Jaundice... DD - Heriditory spherocytosis, Sickle cell disease, G6PD deficiency, Thalassaemia, Haemolytic disease of newborn, Viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Gallstones,
Ikterus due to hyperbilirubinaemia caused by: hepatitis (or other infection of liver like EBV), cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cancer of liver or pankreas, hemolysis, toxic damage of liver.
jaundice- haemolysis due to - hereditory spherocytosis/sickelcell disease/G6PD deficiency/malaria infections- hepatitis/leptospirosis biliary obstruction-gallstones/strictures/tumors/CA other-cirrhosis/drugs
Icterus, hyperbilirubinemie. Causes: biliars way obstruction, choledoc carcinoma, cirrhosis, hepatite..
icterus, hyperbilirubinemie. Causes: cirrhosis, doctus choledoc obstructed, biliar duct carcinoma, hepatite..