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Falling In Love Has Adverse Effects – Here Are 5

Discussion in 'Psychiatry' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

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    When people are in love, they often say they are in cloud 9. But in reality, if things did not go as planned, they clash with their partners, and this ends up in heartache.

    The media always shows the audience the bright side of being in love. However, in reality, there are some not-so-good effects that this emotion can bring. Here are some.


    High Expectations

    Since people who are intensely in love always think that the joy of being in love will last forever, most of them have high expectations in their relationships and from their partners. If the expectations did not happen, it causes heartache and dissatisfaction with the relationship. The effects of love can motivate ambitious images of unattainable fantasy.


    A group of researchers conducted an experiment that involved asking 15 intensely in love participants to look at the images of their lovers who rejected them. The scientists scanned the participants' brain in a functional MRI machine while they were staring at the images of their lovers.

    The study discovered high brain activity in areas associated with cocaine addiction, motivation, “gains and losses,” craving and emotion regulation.

    “Activation of areas involved in cocaine addiction may help explain the obsessive behaviors associated with rejection in love,” Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at the Kinsey Institute, University of Indiana, and her colleagues said.

    The team added that behavior includes “mood swings, craving, obsession, compulsion, distortion of reality, emotional dependence, personality changes, risk-taking, and loss of self-control.”


    Love is a powerful emotion. It could make a person feel as though he or she was floating on air. Then suddenly it will let one fall into deep depression. Love is one of the reasons behind young suicides.


    There are several reports of young men and women committing suicide because of love. In most cases, the reason is being cheated on or being betrayed by a loved one. Usually people who experience this feel hopeless, shocked and desperate in life.


    Love can cause stress, especially during the fresh stage in a relationship. Many couples that start a new relationship often face stress as each of them tries to make an adjustment.


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    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019

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