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Female Doctors and Male Doctors

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Jermeen Wadie, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. Jermeen Wadie

    Jermeen Wadie Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2019
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    All careers have both genders males and females, some cultures in different countries could treat females in a way of racism and bullying believing that they are better to be housewives just for cooking, washing dishes and clothes and take care of her children. On the other hand, there are lots of histories for women success in different careers all over the world.

    In this topic, we will not mention particular names for women success stories but we will talk about Female Doctors and the difference between them and the male doctors based on some studies.

    Study was published in JAMA Internal Medicine based on researchers from Harvard with 1.5 million patients with age over 65 years old found that patients treated be female doctors were more likely to leave the hospital alive than treated by male doctors. The study also found that female doctors were less likely to be readmitted within a month of discharge.

    Another study was made of more than 58,000 heart patients were admitted over two decades to emergency rooms in Florida, showed that mortality rates for both me and women were lower when treated with a female physician and women treated by male doctors were less likely to survive.

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health analyzed a number of studies of doctors' communication way. They found that female doctors spent more time listening to their patients than male doctors. However listening time comes with a cost as they spent two extra minutes or 10% more time per visit. They to tend to ask more questions and provide more counseling on psychological issues related to lifestyle, daily activities, social relationships, and stress. Their responses are more emotional; they are more likely to express empathy, concern and reassurance when patients express the need for that.

    In turn, patients respond to female and male doctors in different ways. Both male and female patients talk more with female doctors; and they disclose more information that has medical significance about experiences, lifestyle, coping and also giving information about problems they have in medications.

    A study with 3673 doctors from 25 countries was made to know how male patients are open with them about their health issues. In countries such as U.S.A, Italy, Mexico and Spain male doctors believed that male patients were open about their health issues than female doctors. While countries as France and Great Britain, female doctors showed that male patients were more open about their health issues compared with male doctors.
    This shows that male patients' honesty was not based on gender lines but geographical ones. 89% of Italian male doctors showed that male patients were open about health issues compared with 78% of female doctors who showed the opposite. But a very near percentage at U.S.A showed that 66% of females and 64% of males showed the same feeling.

    Despite all of this, according to a study published in JAMA Network open Journal showed that female doctors are more likely to shift to part-time work or stop working after completing their medical training to reduce work-family conflict.

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