While we may not be interns or residents in a hospital, we still have to deal with a crazy amount of stress during finals week as an undergraduate. From running around trying to absorb a semester’s worth of information to basically getting no sleep as we study, we find ourselves in a crazed state that even your McDreamy (and maybe even a McSteamy) can’t pull us out of. To us, some of our finals bring heightened stress, so it’s not so hard to relate to these character’s emotions. Here are a few times Grey’s Anatomy totally described the madness that is finals week: To our professors: When we’re just too stressed to function properly: When someone comments on your bad mood: How you feel being able to study without going online or watching Netflix: When people brag about how they don’t need to study: When you find out the type of exam it is: Halfway through the week: View attachment a08b4bba8374946a2fc4b7d2d8914f83.jpg When you see the test: When you’re talking to someone after and they say you’re wrong on a question: After ignoring your friends for a week: After you finish all of your finals and you can go home: Source