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First-Year Doctors Would Be Allowed To Work 24-Hour Shifts Under New Rules

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rana El-Rakhawy, Dec 10, 2016.

  1. Rana El-Rakhawy

    Rana El-Rakhawy Famous Member Verified Doctor

    Aug 8, 2016
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    The organization that oversees the training of young doctors recommended Friday that first-year physicians in hospitals be allowed to work 24-hour shifts — eight hours longer than they are permitted now.

    If approved in February, the proposal by a task force of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education would go into effect in July, when the members of the next class of medical school graduates begin their residencies at teaching hospitals across the United States.

    It is the latest development in a decades-old effort by the medical profession to balance the education of doctors with patient safety at the hands of sleep-deprived new physicians.

    The expanded work-hour limit would align the schedules of novice physicians with those of second- and third-year doctors, who also care for hospitalized patients but are permitted to work longer hours as they advance through the training in their specialties.

    The goal is to “improve the coordination of clinical care by the interns and residents in the teaching environment,” said Thomas J. Nasca, ACGME chief executive and vice chairman of the task force. First-year doctors are commonly called interns, and those further along in their training are known as residents.

    Twenty-four hour shifts, Nasca said, “is what currently exists for everyone else other than interns, and it’s what the interns did up until 2011.”

    That year, after a study of patient safety and work-hour rules by the Institute of Medicine, the ACGME prohibited first-year physicians from working more than 16 consecutive hours, with a few minor exceptions, and banned the 30-hour shifts that some trainees had been working. During the 2015-2016 academic year, more than 29,000 first-year doctors trained at about 800 U.S. medical institutions, according to the ACGME.

    But some faculty say that the work-hour limits have compromised patient care by increasing the frequency of patient “handoffs” from doctor to doctor as shorter shifts end. Many instructors also say that young doctors learn best by following a patient in the crucial first 36 hours of a hospitalization.

    A study released in February showed no effect on patient outcomes when surgeons in training were allowed to work extremely long shifts. The schedules caused only minor dissatisfaction among new doctors. The results of a second study of long shifts for internal medicine trainees have not been released.

    The American Medical Student Association, which includes medical students and doctors in the early years of their training, and the advocacy group Public Citizen protested the second experiment, contending that it was unethical because neither patients nor doctors at the 63 participating programs were given the chance to consent to the arrangement.

    In a statement Friday, Public Citizen said the new recommendation is “a dangerous step backward.”

    “Study after study shows that sleep-deprived resident physicians are a danger to themselves, their patients and the public,” said Michael Carome, director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group.

    Kelly Thibert, president of the medical students group, said that instead of employing longer work shifts, hospitals should improve communication and other aspects of patient handoffs between doctors. She said these informal transfers vary in quality at different hospitals.

    The new rules recommended by the task force would retain many of the work-hour requirements currently in place. In each four-week period, residents would be limited to workweeks that average 80 hours and would have to be provided one day off every seven days. They could not work overnight shifts in the hospital more than once every three days.

    The 24-hour shifts could be lengthened by as much as four hours to accommodate transitions in care.

    The proposal also includes new requirements that supervisors pay attention to the mental health and well-being of doctors in training. Studies have shown that burnout, depression and suicide are on the upswing in the medical profession, Nasca said. The new rules would require that program directors teach faculty and trainees how to detect and respond to burnout, depression, substance abuse and suicidal ideation among young doctors.


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