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Furious Doctors Blast Hospital Bosses After They Find SECRET Monitoring Devices Under Their Desks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    an 'astonishing invasion of privacy'
    • Hull Royal Infirmary installed the gadgets to 'ensure optimum space utilisation'
    • But medics have blasted the devices, which they claim were 'hidden' from them
    • An organisation has today urged the bosses to 'end their Big Brother monitoring'
    • It said management has taken 'a leaf straight from the pages of Orwell’s 1984'

    Furious doctors have hit out at their bosses after finding secret monitoring devices under their desks at a scandal-hit hospital.

    Hull Royal Infirmary chiefs installed the gadgets to 'ensure optimum space utilisation' at the hospital amid relentless pressure on the NHS.

    But medics have branded the OccupEye 'Automated Workspace Utilisation Analysis' devices as as 'astonishing invasion of privacy'.

    The Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA) has written to Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust to condemn the gadgets.


    Hull Royal Infirmary chiefs installed the gadgets to 'ensure optimum space utilisation' at the hospital amid relentless pressure on the NHS

    Andrew Jordan, the group's officer for East Yorkshire, said: 'This is an astonishing invasion of privacy.

    'Managers have foreseen no issue with introducing hidden monitoring devices that spy on individuals as they go about their daily work.

    'Working conditions are bad enough for hospital doctors and support colleagues without the trust management taking a leaf straight from the pages of Orwell’s 1984.

    'We are seeking urgent clarification on whether the secretive, intrusive nature of the recording of individuals represents a breach of data protection legislation.'

    He added that HSCA is urging bosses to 'end their Big Brother monitoring' and invest in recruitment and retention - 'not initiatives that will sap morale further'.

    UNISON, which has 1.3 million members, said it was aware of the devices, but confirmed none of its members have voiced concerns.


    But medics have branded the OccupEye 'Automated Workspace Utilisation Analysis' devices as as 'astonishing invasion of privacy'


    The Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA) has written to Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust to condemn the gadgets (pictured)

    Karen Towner, UNISON’s area organiser, said: 'We are monitoring the situation. But we do not believe it is a question of Big Brother monitoring.

    'UNISON understands that workspace is at a premium so the estates department need to make best use of it.

    'I have spoken with a local UNISON representative who sits on the trust’s Joint Negotiating and Consultation Committee.'

    She added: 'The use of these devices was discussed by the committee last year.'

    However, HCSA - which maintains its members were not given notice - has written to Chris Long, the trust’s chief executive, demanding an explanation.

    The organisation, which isn't formally recognised by the trust, claims to have been given statements from doctors who wanted to remain anonymous.

    One of those doctors reportedly said: 'One by one we started to notice these little boxes attached beneath our desks.'

    According to HSCA, another added: 'There is a basic level of dignity which one expects going about one’s job.

    'We should be fully focused on patient care, but instead we are spending time worrying about the time and motion data being harvested by trust management.'

    Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust insists the technology is only being used to determine how often workspaces are occupied.

    A paralysed woman spoke from beyond the grave to slam the terrible treatment she received at the hospital earlier this year.

    The contents of 30-year-old Katie Gray's diary from her final days at Hull Royal Infirmary were read out at an inquest into her death.

    According to documents she was 'accused of being an alcoholic,' 'wasn't showered for three weeks', and even asked by a nurse: 'Is it not time you got out of bed and moved around?'


    A spokesperson for Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust said: 'As a publicly funded organisation, we have a duty to make best use of our workspaces and not spend money unnecessarily on equipment we don’t need.

    'We have been using the electronic mobile technology, widely used across both public sector and commercial organisations, for about a year to ensure we make the best use of our resources in line with recommendations published by the Department of Health and the Lord Carter’s national review.

    'Before we fit devices to desk, the normal procedure is to provide staff with verbal or written assurances during a pre-survey assessment, explaining what we are doing and the purpose of the survey. A list of frequently asked questions is also given to staff.

    'We explain the devices do not record audio or visual elements but are triggered by movement and heat. They do not identify who has triggered the device or what they were doing at the time the device was triggered. No personal information is stored on the devices.

    'Without knowing who has complained to the association, it is difficult for us to determine if the correct communications procedure was followed in this case. However, we are now checking to ensure the correct procedures were followed in the most recent surveys.

    'The data received monitors the use of workspaces. If we find a desk is not being used, the public would rightly expect us to redeploy that to another part of the trust rather than the organisation spending money on more equipment.

    'We would stress surveys are not carried out to monitor individuals but to ensure optimum space utilisation and the best use of the public’s money.'



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