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Get To Know Yourself: 29 Questions to Discover the Real You

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    At the core of our desires is living a life of purpose and meaning.

    At the core of a life of purpose and meaning is being of service to others.

    At the core of being of service to others is finding peace and happiness.

    At the core of finding peace and happiness, we discover who we are.

    And to do that, we must get over a little irony, that most of us hardly know – much less, know well – the single person we have spent every second of our existence with, our own selves.

    Think you’re the exception? Let me ask you then: how well do you know yourself?

    We are not talking about taking a personality test or learning about your family history. Neither are we talking about your favorite colors, your best childhood friend or your high school prom experience (thank goodness about the last one ;)).

    We are talking about something much greater and of higher consequence. We are talking about who you are at your core, what most matters to you, what makes you come alive, what feeds your soul and what drains your spirit, and how to know the difference so you choose well as you move forward in life.

    If you don’t know yourself all that well, you may still live a life in alignment with who you are but only by accident or some sheer stroke of luck.

    And that, my darling, is too big a risk to take, so shall we eliminate the risk altogether?

    Make it a certainty that you live in alignment with who you are not by accident or luck, but rather on purpose, by intention, by design.

    How? By getting to know yourself really really well. One way to do that is to learn your values, passions and goals. Another is to ask the right questions.

    How to Get to Know Yourself: 29 Questions to Self-Discovery

    Here are just 29 questions that open the door to having a real conversation with yourself. I want to ask you to answer these questions honestly for yourself.

    When you are ready to do this, copy these questions into a text document, quiet all outside distractions, take a few deep relaxing breaths, make a great cuppa tea, clear your mind of noise and clutter and dive in.

    Know that there are no right or wrong answers. There is only you uncovering the process of building a closer relationship with the person within.

    1. What activity in your life lights you up with joy?
    2. What is something you always love doing, even when you are tired or rushed? Why?
    3. If a relationship or job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave?
    4. What do you fear about leaving a bad job or a bad relationship?
    5. What do you believe is possible for you?
    6. What have you done in your life that you are most proud of?
    7. What is the thing that you are second most proud of?
    8. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
    9. How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better?
    10. If you could have one single wish granted, what would it be?
    11. How comfortable are you with your own mortality?
    12. What is your highest core value?
    13. To your best knowledge, how do other people perceive you?
    14. How would you like others to perceive you?
    15. How confident are you in your abilities to make decisions for yourself?
    16. What is your biggest self-limiting belief?
    17. Who is the most important person in your life?
    18. Who is your greatest role model?
    19. Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with?
    20. What is something that is true for you no matter what?
    21. What is your moral compass in making difficult decisions?
    22. What is one failure that you have turned into your greatest lesson?
    23. What role does gratitude play in your life?
    24. How do you feel about your parents?
    25. How is your relationship with money?
    26. How do you feel about growing old someday?
    27. What role has formal education played in your life and how do you feel about it?
    28. Do you believe your destiny is pre-determined or in your hands to shape however you wish?
    29. What do you believe is the meaning of your life?

    What If You Don’t Like the Questions Above?

    I know. These questions are not meant to be easy or comfortable, but they are important to ask and to know. As you ask yourself questions, the process of self-inquiry begins, and at first, it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar – especially if you have never done it – yet in time, it becomes easier. Even fun.

    Because here’s what you may not know. Or be afraid to believe.

    You are a unique child of this world. You are brilliant, smart and wise. You are deep and fascinating. You are gifted and talented. You are beyond capable to do what you dream. You are loved, loving and lovable.

    You are not too old or too fat or too poor. You are not too slow or too boring. You are simply none of the terrible things you tell yourself. You’re quite the opposite.

    You are more than enough.

    So while it’s up to you to decide if this self-discovery process is worthwhile, I would say trust me on this. Getting to know yourself IS worthwhile. Just do it!


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