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Hot Doctor Sick Of Being Told She’s ‘Too Pretty To Work In Medical Field’

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Dr. Medina Culver is proof that you’re never too sexy to save lives. But her detractors don’t always see it that way.


    When the now-successful family practice doctor was interviewed for a place at medical school at the start of her career, the interviewer bluntly asked her whether she had cheated on her Medical College Admission Test.

    “Usually we don’t see women with your hair color score this well,” he pronounced.

    The then-22-year-old blonde was shocked, but she held her head high and replied: “No, I didn’t cheat — I worked very hard to achieve that score.”

    Nine years on, successfully employed as the only female partner in a Las Vegas family health practice, the doctor is still being undermined because of her gorgeous looks and figure.

    “I’ve been told countless times that I am too pretty to work in the medical field,” Culver, 31, told The Post. “People say I should be doing something else with my life, like modeling or acting. It’s sexist, hurtful and shows the double standard regarding the appearance of men and women.”

    Appalled at being hounded for being both beautiful and brainy, she has turned to social media to defend herself and spread the word that the two qualities are not mutually exclusive.

    “Pretty women can be more than pretty faces,” she wrote on her Instagram page, which has over 28,000 followers. “We can also be badass doctors.”

    The results have been mixed: Many people have applauded her defiant stance, but the married physician has also been mercilessly trolled by haters of both sexes.

    She was labeled “ugly” and “conceited,” with one detractor commenting: “Humble brag much?” Another warned her “to get over herself” while she was called out for making “cutesie faces” on TikTok and boasting about her accomplishments in life.

    But Culver remains undeterred.

    “I will continue making my messages of female empowerment, even if it means taking on the trolls.” She advocates that women “lift each other up” rather than “tear each other down” and step outside “societal norms.”

    One of her tactics is to post sexy bikini shots next to images of herself wearing scrubs. She began doing it this summer as part of the protest by other female doctors against a study published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery that claimed swimsuit pics on social media were “unprofessional.” The doctors behind the study have since apologized.

    In a similar vein, in June, Moscow nurse Nadezhda Zhukova was suspended from her job. Her offense? Being photographed on an all-male COVID-19 wing with no clothing save for her skivvies under her transparent personal protective equipment.

    The 23-year-old, who hopes to qualify as a doctor, became a viral sensation. She wound up having the last laugh as she was subsequently hired as a model by Zasport, a Russian sportswear brand.

    While Culver has no ambitions to become a model, the 5-foot-10 go-getter works out four times a week, follows an extremely healthy diet and leads a jet-set lifestyle with her husband of two years, David Williams, 38. He just completed his doctorate in physical therapy.

    Culver, a native of Billings, Montana, decided to go into medicine at just 12 years old. She was always smart and had a high school grade point average of 4.0.

    “Now, as a doctor, being able to help people and even change someone’s life gives me a great sense of accomplishment,” she explained. “There’re really no other job where you get to do that.”

    But she has had to take the rough with the smooth. During her third year of medical school at Touro University in Nevada, a male supervisor mocked her as being “too pretty to be a doctor.”

    “It was a sting in the heart, but it actually made me work harder,” she said. “I wanted to prove that your looks don’t dictate whether or not you’re good at your profession.”


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