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How To Become A Scientific Researcher?

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Researchers are curious individuals, people who always look for answers to their questions. To become a researcher you simply have to be curious. Researchers can move into range of specialisms. For example, scientific researcher helping in improving medical treatments by executing different experiments, to media research which report the nation's beloved TV shows.

    Different industries require different particular duties. However, there are general responsibilities for a researcher can be summative in:

    1. Communication and presentation skills

    2. Capable of using the statistical software to analyse and organise the data

    3. Can use online resources to collect data

    4. Able to provide proposals and reports.

    Scientific researchers

    Scientific researchers conduct and execute wide range of experiments to discover new findings and collect data that can be presented in a cohesive form. Also, you should be knowledgeable enough to share this science with audience from different levels. To achieve this, some skills are required like:

    1. Science

    2. Critical and analytical thinking

    3. Excellent verbal and written communication skills

    4. Good eye on details

    5. Use of software packages

    How to obtain a degree in science

    You will need a degree in any area of science related to the subject of your interest. Many researchers choose to do postgraduate degrees like Master of Science (MSc) and PHD. Various universities offer internships for postgraduate students, which is a good chance to improve the science and research skills required for starting a career path in scientific research or academic field. Furthermore, having experience in a research department, would be an extra bonus that will help you to find research opportunities.

    What would you bring to the role?

    · Present research proposal and methodology

    · Conduct experiments

    · Save records of findings accurately

    · Publish findings in scientific journals and books

    · Collect samples for experiments and adjust the environment to suit the experiment

    · Give lectures

    · Invent new methods can be applied for new discoveries

    · Discover new products

    · Improve methodologies

    The work place can be indoor or outdoor. You can be working in a laboratory or at universities. For safety precautions, you might wear safety clothes like coats, gloves, goggles.

    What would the role bring you?

    Working as a researcher in particular organisation industry, would give you the chance to progress in your career and become a senior researcher or managing a laboratory. Moreover, if you published a study and acquired enough experience you could be promoted to senior fellow or professor and can manage your own team. Also, you can go further to professionalism.


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