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How To Prevent Hair Loss

Discussion in 'Dermatology' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    1- It is well known that over use of chemicals on the hair can cause hair thinning and eventually hair loss. If you like to enhance the look of your hair through chemical means, it is important to choose licensed beautician.

    2- It is important to eat healthy foods and ensure that your body is getting the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Often times the body will show poor health in the hair follicles and finger nails before and actual illness is detected. While it is important to get enough of the right nutrients, it is just as important not to get too much of any one type of vitamin. For example, too much of vitamins A and E, have been linked to hair loss.

    3- When and if an illness is detected, it is important to take care of your health needs. If the doctor has prescribed medications, take it. Failure to follow the doctors advise will cause your body to work harder just to stay alive, it won't have enough energy to keep the hair follicles growing and will eventually lead to hair loss. This is an excellent form of hair loss prevention.

    4- The style that you wear your hair can also be a hair loss prevention opportunity. When ever possible, avoid pulling hair into styles that require it to be pulled tight and bound with elastic for long periods of time. While hair accessories have become much more hair friendly during recent years, hairstyle such as tight ponytail, pig tails and cornrows can still do damage to the hair shaft and ultimately to the hair follicle.

    5- A way to pamper yourself doubles as a hair loss prevention idea. Using satin or silk pillowcases, is thought to prevent hair loss due to the fact that a silk or satin pillowcase will cause less friction while sleeping than a cotton or flannel pillowcase. This is because the head and the hair slide across the pillow instead of needing to be forcefully pushed across.

    6- There is a whole group of old wives's tales that relate to hair loss prevention. These tips definitely won't hurt to try, but really don't do anything to combat the issue of hair loss. For instance, it has been said that standing upside down will increase blood flow to the head and that massaging the scalp or briskly brushing the hair will make the hair stay put and not fall out. This is simply not the case.

    7- It is important to remember that even in a healthy person, it is completely normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs from the head every day. If you feel that your hair loss issues are beyond that norm, speak with your doctor or dermatologist about your concerns. They will be able to determine if the hair loss is due to a medical or age issue, and point you in the right treatment direction.

    hair loss.jpg

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  2. aas36313

    aas36313 Young Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Its wonderful..really your thread is really very good and I appreciate it. You gave so nice info which is very well and amazing. I really impressed by your thread.

  3. ankitsrivastav

    ankitsrivastav Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Practicing medicine in:
    1. Drink Juices like garlic, gingrer juices
    2. Practice Meditation
    3. Antioxidants

  4. calyin

    calyin Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    United States
    yes Drink Juink like garlic

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