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How To Stay Productive During Long Study Days

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    As almost doctors, when we say we are “studying all day”, we really mean it. It’s definitely not an exaggeration, but our attention span lasts for about an hour before we start to procrastinate or lose focus. Many people have suggested working uninterrupted for 50-60 minutes and taking a 10-15 minute break during long study days to optimize productivity and brain energy.

    My years in medical school enabled me to perfect this strategy. When I try to multitask, I tend to flounder. I see friends and classmates trying to take notes but simultaneously on Facebook. I find that this is not the best use of time because not only are you sitting in class getting nothing done, but you have to repeat all the information you’ve tried to retain later on. It’s tough retaining the information from Step 1 and your sister’s cousin’s wedding photos.

    One huge tip for incoming almost doctors is to physically remove myself from my desk space or room where I study and do the following. The same can be said about studying in your bed. Only go to bed when you’re ready to sleep or take a nap. Creating these habits really help to train your mind. When I’m sitting at my desk, I know that I have to get my work done. If I am studying on my laptop in my bed, I know I will doze off. It’s guaranteed and happens to me every time.

    Below I have listed a few of the activities I like to do that take not more than 15 minutes:

    – Some sort of exercise (quick jog outside, squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, calf raises)

    – Make a cup of coffee or snack/meal

    – Meal prep for the week (I like to clean and cut fruits and vegetables)

    – Watch an episode of your favorite TV show, or subscribe to something you enjoy on YouTube to treat yourself with after a long study session

    – Listen to a TED talk (On your laptop or on your phone while doing something else. It’s not only a great break, but it’s motivational and a great pep talk).

    – Listen to a podcast episode (Find a podcast you like that does not exceed 30 minutes per episode. I know some episodes can run 1 hour).

    – Take a shower

    – Wash or fold your laundry

    – Clean your room (includes activities such as vacuum, dust, Swiffer, organize)

    – Read a few pages in a book (Reading is my favorite leisure activity, but with school, my reading list falls off my radar)

    – Go for a walk or jog outside just to get your body up and moving

    – Meditation for 10-15 minutes

    – Make your list of daily/weekly goals, or just plan your schedule for the week

    – Reply to emails or return phone calls/text messages

    All these activities give a break from the studying, but still enable you to stay productive. Much better than dozing and bumming around!

    Personally, I like to do something productive even though I’m taking a break and trying to relax from studying. I can get a lot of house chores and personal tasks done this way because they tend to pile up throughout the week. Between early mornings and late nights, there is little time left for these life things.



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