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How to Take a Medical History

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Hala, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Practicing medicine in:

    1. 1
      Introduce yourself in a friendly manner if you do not know the person. For example, say "Hi! I'm Joe Smith. I would like to ask you a few questions about your illness. Is that OK? You seem to be in pain; how are you feeling?"
    2. 2
      Get the chief complaint. "What is bothering you right now? how can we help you?" Clarify if needed. "What are you feeling right now?" Survey for other problems. "What else?" Focus on the most important problem first.

    3. 3
      Explore the main problem in more detail. This can be summarized by the mnemonic O.P.Q.R.S.T.:

      • Onset: "how long has it been going on?"
      • Palliation/Provocation: "what makes it better or worse?"
      • Quality: "what does it feel like?"
      • Region/Radiation: "where is the pain? does the pain travel anywhere?
      • Symptoms/Severity: "what other feelings or sensations do you get? how bad is the headache?"
      • Timing: maintain the narrative thread. "What happened first? ...then what?..." Find out the context of the medical problem. " "Is the pain continuous, repeating, or sporadic?"
    4. 4
      Gather the past medical history:

      • Tell me about the past hospitalizations and surgeries.
      • What medical problems or illnesses have you had in the past? any injuries?
      • What medications are you taking?
      • Any allergies?
    5. 5
      Gather a family history: "Please tell me about any illnesses that may run in your family. Has anyone else in your family ever had problems like yours?"

    6. 6
      Gather a social history:

      • Do you drink,smoke, or use other drugs?
      • Are you having sex with anyone? How many partners? Men, women, or both? Do you use protection? All of the time?
      • With whom do you live?
      • What do you do for work?
      • Whom can you turn to for support?
    Review of Systems: Screen for symptoms in each body system that have not already been discussed.


    • Skin: any skin problems? rash? itch? sores? moles?
    • Eyes: eye problems? vision loss? itchy eyes? blurry vision? double vision?
    • Ears, nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat: any trouble with your hearing, ears, mouth, sinuses, or throat?
    • Lungs: any lung or breathing problems? coughs? chest pain?
    • Heart: heart problems? racing heart? skipping beats?
    • Digestive: stomach problems? stomach pain? nausea? vomiting? diarrhea? constipation? bloating? blood in stool?
    • Genitourinary: trouble with urinating? unusual color or smell? sexual problems?
    • Hematologic: easy bruising or bleeding?
    • Endocrine: feeling too cold or too hot compared to others? excessive thirst, hunger, or urination?
    • Musculoskeletal: problem with your joints or muscles, such as pain, swelling, weakness?
    • Neurological: weakness, numbness, or tingling in arms or legs? problem with walking or balance? memory problems? headaches? seizures?
    • Psychiatric: anxiety? depression? suicidal or homicidal urges? repetitive thoughts or acts?
    Record patients' medical history, vital statistics, or information such as test results in medical records.
    Prepare treatment rooms for patient examinations, keeping the rooms neat and clean. Interview patients to obtain medical information and measure their vital signs, weight, and height.

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