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How to Work as a Doctor in Palestine: Full Guide for Domestic and International Graduates

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by SuhailaGaber, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. SuhailaGaber

    SuhailaGaber Golden Member

    Jun 30, 2024
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    Practicing medicine in:

    Palestine is a unique and historic region with a rich cultural heritage and a complex socio-political landscape. For doctors, Palestine presents both challenges and opportunities, making it an intriguing destination for those looking to practice medicine in a diverse and impactful environment.

    Characteristics and Special Features of Palestine's Healthcare System

    Rich Cultural Heritage and Diverse Population

    Palestine is known for its rich cultural history and diverse population, comprising primarily Arabs, with significant Muslim and Christian communities. This diversity is reflected in the healthcare needs and practices, providing a broad spectrum of medical experiences for doctors.

    Opportunities for Doctors

    Palestine's healthcare system includes both public and private sectors, offering various opportunities for doctors. The demand for healthcare professionals is high due to the ongoing challenges posed by political instability, economic constraints, and limited resources. This creates a critical need for skilled doctors in both urban and rural areas.

    Steps to Get the License to Practice Medicine in Palestine

    For Domestic Graduates

    1. Complete Medical Education: Graduates from Palestinian medical schools must complete their medical degree (MBBS or equivalent) from a recognized institution.
    2. Internship: A one-year internship is mandatory, where graduates rotate through various medical specialties to gain practical experience.
    3. Palestinian Medical Licensing Exam (PMLE): Graduates must pass the PMLE, which tests their medical knowledge and clinical skills.
    4. Registration with the Ministry of Health: Successful candidates must register with the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH). The registration process includes submitting proof of education, internship completion, and PMLE results.
    For International Graduates

    1. Verification of Credentials: International graduates must have their medical degree verified by the MoH. This includes translating documents into Arabic and getting them authenticated by relevant authorities.
    2. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Arabic is crucial as it is the primary language of communication. Non-Arabic speakers might need to pass a language proficiency test.
    3. Equivalency Exam: International graduates must pass an equivalency exam to ensure their medical education meets Palestinian standards.
    4. Internship: Depending on the country of graduation, some doctors may need to complete an internship in Palestine.
    5. Palestinian Medical Licensing Exam (PMLE): International graduates must pass the PMLE to practice in Palestine.
    6. Registration with the Ministry of Health: Following the successful completion of the above steps, doctors must register with the MoH.
    Detailed Information on PMLE

    • Content: The PMLE covers a wide range of medical topics, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and community medicine.
    • Format: The exam typically includes multiple-choice questions and clinical scenario-based questions.
    • Study Resources: Recommended resources include textbooks such as "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine," "Sabiston Textbook of Surgery," and "Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics." Online resources and review courses specific to PMLE preparation can also be beneficial.
    • Pass Rate: The pass rate for PMLE varies but is generally around 70-80%. Proper preparation and understanding of the local healthcare context are crucial for success.
    • Fees: The exam fee is approximately $200 USD, though this may vary slightly.
    Study Resources for PMLE and Equivalency Exam

    • Books: Key medical textbooks like "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine," "Sabiston Textbook of Surgery," and "Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics."
    • Online Resources: Websites like Medscape, UpToDate, and specific PMLE preparation courses.
    • Local Study Groups: Joining study groups with local graduates can provide insights and shared resources.
    Steps to Get a Doctor Job in Palestine

    Job Search

    1. Networking: Building connections with local healthcare professionals can significantly aid in finding job opportunities.
    2. Job Portals: Utilize online job portals such as and local job boards for healthcare positions.
    3. Direct Applications: Apply directly to hospitals and clinics. Prominent hospitals include Augusta Victoria Hospital, Al-Makassed Hospital, and Palestinian Red Crescent Society hospitals.
    Application Process

    1. Prepare CV and Cover Letter: Highlight your qualifications, experience, and any specializations.
    2. Submit Applications: Send your CV and cover letter to potential employers.
    3. Interviews: Be prepared for interviews, which may include questions about your medical knowledge and how you handle specific clinical situations.
    4. Employment Contract: Once offered a position, review and sign the employment contract.
    Average Salaries and Cost of Living


    • General Practitioners: $1,000 - $2,000 USD per month.
    • Specialists: $2,000 - $4,000 USD per month.
    • Consultants: $4,000 - $6,000 USD per month.
    Cost of Living

    • Accommodation: Rent for a one-bedroom apartment ranges from $300 to $600 USD per month.
    • Food: Monthly groceries cost around $200 - $400 USD.
    • Transportation: Public transportation is affordable, with monthly costs around $50 - $100 USD.
    Life in Palestine

    Diversity and Cultural Experience

    Living in Palestine offers a unique cultural experience with its rich history, diverse communities, and vibrant traditions. Cities like Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem are known for their historical significance and bustling urban life.

    Big Cities and Famous Hospitals

    • Jerusalem: Augusta Victoria Hospital, Al-Makassed Hospital.
    • Ramallah: Ramallah Medical Complex, Palestinian Medical Complex.
    • Bethlehem: Caritas Baby Hospital, Holy Family Hospital.
    Public and Private Healthcare

    Palestine has a mix of public and private healthcare facilities. Public hospitals are funded by the government and offer essential medical services, often facing resource constraints. Private hospitals provide more specialized services with better infrastructure and shorter waiting times.

    Visa, Residency, and Nationality for Foreign Doctors

    Visa Application

    1. Work Visa: Foreign doctors need a work visa to practice in Palestine. This can be obtained through the Palestinian General Authority of Civil Affairs.
    2. Application Process: Submit an application along with proof of employment, qualifications, and other required documents. More information can be found on

    1. Temporary Residency: Granted initially for one year and renewable based on employment status.
    2. Permanent Residency: After several years of continuous work, doctors may apply for permanent residency.

    Obtaining Palestinian nationality is a complex process and is generally not available solely based on employment. However, long-term residency and significant contributions to the community may improve eligibility.

    Final Thoughts

    Working as a doctor in Palestine is both a challenging and rewarding experience. The country offers a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on healthcare in a region with diverse medical needs. With careful preparation and understanding of the licensing and job application process, both domestic and international doctors can find fulfilling careers in Palestine.

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