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How To Work As A Foreign Doctor In Spain?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sandra Pierina Lopez, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Sandra Pierina Lopez

    Sandra Pierina Lopez Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:

    To achieve the approval of the medical degree in Spain is a simple process that can take approximately 9 to 12 months and consists of a few steps.


    In general, the process begins with a review process of all the documents provided, this process takes approximately 3 months, then they are taken to the University Council, here they will stay 3 more months to decide if the professional will be approved, conditionally approved, or Not approved

    When a conditional homologation is decided, the joint exam must be carried out; this exam is carried out in different universities of the Spanish territory, and is carried out of some subjects corresponding to the profession to be approved

    The responsible authorities for the approval of higher education degrees are the Sub-director General for Degrees, Validations and Approvals, which is under the Ministry of Education of Spain.

    The deadline for submitting the application is permanently open; the documentation can be presented personally or through a duly authorized person through a Power of Attorney or written authorization for that purpose, signed by the interested party and accompanied by photocopies of the National Identity Document or Passport of the interested and of the authorized person.

    The documents required to request approval are:

    • Certified copy of the document proving the identity and nationality of the applicant, issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin or by the Spanish authorities competent in immigration, in the case of Spanish citizens, certified photocopy of the national identity document or authorization for verifying the identity data held by the administration

    • Certified copy of the title whose approval is requested or of the certification accrediting its issuance and, where appropriate, the official translation.

    • Certified copy of the academic certification of the studies carried out to obtain the degree stating the official duration in academic years of the study plan, the subject studied and total time load of each of them expressed in hours or credits

    • Proof of payment of the fee

    • In the case of non-community health professionals who are not from Spanish-speaking countries, the accreditation of the linguistic competence necessary for the exercise in Spain of the corresponding profession will be requested

    All documents submitted must be official and issued by the competent authorities for them, it is not necessary to present originals of the titles, programs or any other documentation, but certified photocopy of documents, however the original documents must be legalized by:

    • Hague Convention.

    • Through diplomatic channels (documents issued by countries that have signed the Andrés Bello agreement).

    Legalization through diplomatic channels may be carried out at:

    - Embassy or Consulate of Spain.

    - Ministry of Education of the country of origin for degrees and certificates of studies.

    - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued.

    The legalization or apostille must appear on the original document, before making the copy to be certified.

    If the degree to be approved has been obtained before the 6 years prior to the submission of the application, documentation must be submitted, evidencing the exercise of the profession, in conditions of exercise as an autonomous and not associated or supervised physician, or continuous training of at least 3 years within the last 5 years.

    Another condition that must be borne in mind is when the professional who requires homologation resides in another country other than the issuance of the degree and cannot prove professional experience in recent years in the country of qualification, in addition to the documents proving the exercise as a doctor Autonomous, the applicant must provide certification of the institution and a copy of the homologation of their title that enables them to enable the practice of the profession as a doctor in that country of residence.

    Once the approval is completed, it is formalized by means of a credential issued by the General Sub-director of Titles of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports that can be personally withdrawn at the General Direction of Degrees

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