Erythema ab igne - showing charecteristic erythematous reticular pattern, interspersed with pale areas ( which are atrophic areas of skin ). In chronic stage it will become brownish-black. Xtra Edge from Goodheart's same site differential diagnosis etiology / cause - Chronic heating causes injury to the skin, though this is not well characterized. Infra red in the solar spectrum may play a role in chronic photodamage, but it is difficult to determine what that role is. location - Chronic heat damage to the skin occurs on the shins and elsewhere at sites habitually warmed by focal sources of heat – a condition known as erythema ab igne. physical sign - Brownish-red reticulate pigmentation is the dominant physical sign , but keratoses and even squamous cell carcinoma can also occur at involved sites.
I agree with you. this case looks like erythema ab igne in this case Livedo pattern of the lower legs with purpura and subcutaneous nodules are seen . what may be diferential diagnosis?
subcut. nodules may be erythema nodosum and marry it with livedo - the first thing that comes to mind is everything under the umbrella of 'vasculitis' - polyarteritis nodosa - sle - rheumatoid arthritis - antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in my part of the world - tb and hepatitis b and c ( cryoglobulinemia, esp. sec to hep c is known to giv this pattern and is also ass. with some cases of polyarteritis nodosa )