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Med School Bucket List

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dr.omarislam, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    As a newly proclaimed “Top Dog” of the medical school experience, I might be able to share a couple of tidbits of wisdom to those who are either on the path to or currently on the ride we call med school. Here are the top 5 things to do during medical school that might make both your life and experience a little better in the long run.

    5. Learn to budget

    Period. End of story. I can still afford to live and enjoy all because I’ve budgeted. Like sushi? Find a good recipe and make it at home. Do you love wine or mixed drinks? Instead of paying $10 bucks each at the bar after an exam, invite your friends to your place and learn how to bar-tend from a host of DIY books and resources. Food, drink, and entertainment seem to be the largest expenditures that us medical students use. You’ll realize that the frequent buyer programs really come in handy after a long semester of studying. Other than learning new skills, they can really lower your expenses and give you some awesome discounts. I promise the effort is worth it, both your bank account and your loan balance will thank you!

    4. See the world

    This truly is the last time that we have scheduled down time called breaks. Instead of trying to cram your step one studying into the summer prior to second year, take a week to relax and see or do something new. You may even be able to take time to do an international elective. It becomes much more difficult to schedule in free time when you become an attending and few residency programs offer study abroad credits like many medical schools do.

    3. Find your niche

    Your friends are gung-ho for surgery? So are 2 of mine! I had several people ask me why family medicine, why adolescent medicine, why not *insert whatever they had me pegged for here*. A large part of this process strips you of the outside world to force you to learn to stand-alone and focus through adversity. Use that to your advantage and meet yourself. Get to know your likes and dislikes. Realize that sometimes your best isn’t going to be the best and then follow what it is that you are good at and your heart desires. I promise, medicine has a spot where you will be happy and that may not be the same path as your best friend’s. That’s totally okay, they won’t hate you for following your heart.

    2. Chill

    I spent my first year worrying about year 2, year 2 worrying about step 1, year 3 worrying about matching…I’ve realized that there is enough time to worry about tomorrow’s concerns tomorrow. This is something that we all struggle with but we have to chill. Realize that it is all a part of the process. One step at a time.

    1. Master the art of detachment

    Do you find yourself being the family doctor at all of the family events? Aunt Lisa wants you to explain why her back still hurts, Grandpa needs a refresher on why he needs to take his hypertension meds everyday, and your favorite cousin wants you to use your newly developed physical exam skills to check to see if she has strep throat…We have to learn to shut the medicine off. That’s how people who love their jobs and have minimized the struggles at work still end up burned out. You have to set your boundaries. If the holiday cookout is crossing the line (which it should be), then you set the boundary, “You should see your doctor.” Remember, we save lives but you have to live, too!


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