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Medical Research for College

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Ricardo Cesar, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Ricardo Cesar

    Ricardo Cesar Young Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    Hi, I am a student of medicine in the first year of college in the university of UFCSPA in Brazil.
    I need help with a research that our teacher assigned us to do by interviewing doctors that already have some experience with patients. I would be very greatful if anibody here could help me out, all you have to do is answer 6 questions. Thank you very much.

    1)how was the teaching of scientific methodology and biostatistics in your college?
    2)what is the importance of knowing how to read scientific articles on the day of the doctor?
    3)What would you really like to know about scientific methodology?
    4)what would you do differently if you could start studying methodology and biostatistics again?
    5)what suggestions would give to anyone who is in the first year of medical school? and for the teaching of the discipline?
    6)What is the role of research (scientific initiation or postgraduate) in medical training?

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