Technology comes in handy in delivery of a baby The incident looks straight out of the Bollywood blockbuster 3 Idiots starring Aamir Khan. A 24-year-old medical student, Vipin Khadse, helped a pregnant woman deliver her baby in a train while travelling from Akola to Nagpur. In his Facebook post, Vipin explains how complicated the case was and how he safely delivered the baby with instructions on WhatsApp from his seniors and doctors. The post has since received 911 shares and many have been congratulating Vipin on his commendable feat. He goes on to mention that the ticket collector was looking for a doctor in the train but when there was nobody around, he stepped in to help. He found the woman in her 20s suffering from extreme labour pain and quickly converted the coach into the makeshift delivery room. After reaching the Nagpur station, the baby and the mother were treated by the railway doctors and an ambulance was summoned. Source