please help! A man of 48yrs,come to hospital with C/O sevare pain on right leg,.. HPI: the patient was present with Oedema on right leg whch last for 5days... after there, wound start on the same leg,about 2"wdth and 1"depth...for 42/7. pain during night,and reliefed by NSAID. ROS-NAD PMH- no hx of adm,chrnc illines detected!but the patient was managed at dinspensary as out patient,and he was on Ampiclox,and diclofenac,and daily wound dreassing,for 40days with no relief. O/E- the patient look fair condition, BP-120/80mmhg pulse-22b/mn Temp.36°C. no edema, not jaundiced.. Prognosis of patient is poor. FHx- No hx of sigarate smoking,alcohol taker(4-6 bottle of safari lager per day) no hx of chronic illines at the familly. Lab: FBP, blood test for glucose level, Result ESR-normal,Blood glucose-5.6g/dl. what will be the management???