Hello guys, i am new here and i wanted to ask you the following: Have you ever failed like almost all the subjects in the semester, even though you learned (maybe not as much as you should have been but..still..). Well i did, and any suggestions about..anything? And if it that happend how did you get over it, what did you do ?
I think you should change the method of studying , mostly you think about passing the exams but you dont care alot about feeling the subject you are studying for example if you want to study anatomy you should try to love it , watch its videos as Kaplan , images as Netter ... etc. but if you depend on reading anatomy books you will never imagine or understand it.
Thanks, i think you are right on that ,,method thing,, coz i do study just to pass it..and almost 90% of the time while i am studing i am scared and think that i will fail my exam. But i do use netter, but now with ,,Central Nervous System,, that doesn't help much ...Btw i love medicine, and last year when i was first year at medicine i didn't have this problem..but now..oh well i`ll try to review my methods. Thanks.