I know that it seems like we are doing everything to lose weight. It's frustrating to step on the scale and not see the number we had hoped to see. We exercise and we go on diets, but still no results. As hard as it seems, don't give up. Here are some reasons you may not be seeing the results you want. DO YOU READ FOOD LABELS? If you don't, then start now! I'm guilty of seeing "low fat" on a package and tossing into my cart. Please don't follow my lead. There are a lot of products that are considered "fat free", "all natural", and "low fat" that are meant to mislead us. Take a look at the ingredients and the nutritional label. A lot of misleading products are full of sugar, sodium, and trans-fats. DO YOU SKIP MEALS? It seems logical that if you skip meals, you'll lose weight faster. People who think this are very wrong. If you skip a meal, you'll end up eating more calories than if you were to eat 3 square meals. When you skip a meal you probably do one of two things: you eat an unhealthy snack like a candy bar; or you eat more during your next meal because you're extremely hungry. Not to mention that if you skip a meal you're slowing down your metabolism which will cause you to gain weight. ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP? I know, I know. There are so many more important things to get done; getting an extra hour or two of shut-eye doesn't seem like a big deal. Research by Dr. Lisa Shives of Northshore Sleep Medicine; show that a lack of sleep can stimulate the release of a hormone that increases the appetite. If you can't get to bed an hour or so earlier, try getting into a routine where you do something calming and relaxing before going to bed so that you'll fall asleep faster and have a more restful sleep. ARE YOU EATING TO FAST I know a lot of people that think they need to eat really fast in-order to get more things done or because they have a short lunch break. It may seem harmless, but eating too fast can cause you to eat more than if you were to eat at an average pace. Also, eating slowly makes us feel fuller, faster. Slow down or try eating smaller portions when you don't have a lot of time. DO YOU DRINK SODA? Soda has absolutely no nutritional value and is bad for our long-term health. Soda can ruin the enamel on teeth and cause our waistlines to expand. Diet soda is just as bad. Dr. Mark Hyman says that the artificial sweetener in diet soda tricks our bodies into making insulin, the fat-storage hormone. This will affect our belly fat. Also, Dr. Hymans research shows that diet soda raises our risk for Type 2 Diabetes. As you can see, completely cutting all sodas from our diet would be best for our overall health. Source