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Robot Replaces Surgeon To Perform Major Bowel Cancer Operation

Discussion in 'General Surgery' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Practicing medicine in:

    • Surgeons sat at opposite ends of a robotic console during the procedure
    • The robot 'arms' make tiny movements that remove 'all natural human tremor'
    • Hard-to-reach tumours are accessible due to 360 degree rotating 'hands'
    • Surgeons believe greater precision reduces the trauma experienced by patients
    • Christine Lockton had the procedure after a course of radio and chemotherapy

    A cancer patient had a hysterectomy and part of her colon removed at the same time in pioneering surgery performed by robots on the NHS.

    Christine Lockton, 63, from Croydon, underwent a procedure that saw surgeons sitting at opposite ends of a robotic console while they performed the operation.

    The 'arms' of the robot, known as the da Vinci Xi console, allow doctors to make tiny movements while removing 'all natural human tremor'. The 'hands' are able to rotate 360 degrees, enabling them to access hard-to-reach tumours.

    Surgeon Shahnawaz Rasheed, who co-led the operation at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, said: 'The precision of surgery, we think, is much higher. Because of that, the impact on the patient should be less.

    'So we can do the same operation in terms of the removal of the cancer, but have less of a trauma to the patient.'

    The multidisciplinary approach - carrying out colorectal and gynaecological surgery at the same time - while using robotics, had never previously been performed on the NHS.

    In the future, the procedure may be rolled out across other NHS hospitals with the correct technology on a case-by-case basis, according to a Royal Marsden spokesperson.


    Christine Lockton had her uterus and colon removed by robots in pioneering surgery


    Surgeons sat at opposite ends of a robotic console while they performed the operation


    Surgeons can see high-definition images of patients' anatomies via an internal camera tube

    'I can't believe how quickly I have come out of hospital'

    Ms Lockton was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last September after initially dismissing her unexplained weight loss as a food allergy when the symptom developed last July.

    She said: 'I had periodic attacks of something I thought was probably food-related and then in August, it got a bit worse.

    'Towards the end of August, in a week, I lost four pounds and I couldn't find a reason so I went to the doctors.'

    A colonoscopy revealed she had a large tumour in her bowel that was invading her uterus.

    Speaking of the impact of her diagnosis, Ms Lockton, who had breast cancer in 2009, said: 'The rub with cancer on both occasions has changed how I feel about life.

    'You are a long time dead and I'm not intending to be dead.'

    Ms Lockton, whose surgery was funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, underwent the robotic procedure after a course of radio and chemotherapy in March.

    She added: 'I can't believe how quickly I have been able to come out of hospital and it's lovely to be home.

    'I think the real healing will happen now.'


    The robot's 'arms' can make tiny movements and remove 'natural human tremor'. Pictured: surgeon using the pioneering device during an unnamed patient's hysterectomy


    Robot 'hands' can rotate 360 degrees to access hard-to-reach-tumours. Pictured: console removing part of the tongue, thought to be due to oral cancer, on patient Anne White, 67. The Duke of Cambridge (far left) can be seen watching the procedure during a hospital visit


    The Duke of Cambridge seen standing by the da Vinci Xi console before patient Charles Ludlow, 63, had an oesophageal tumour removed from between his heart and lungs


    The da Vinci Xi involves surgeons sitting at a console where they can see high-definition images of patients' anatomies via a flexible tube with a camera and light at the tip.

    It allows two surgeons to operate on a patient at the same time while performing different tasks.

    The 'arms' of the robot allow doctors to make tiny movements while removing 'all natural human tremor'.

    The 'hands' are also able to rotate 360 degrees, enabling them to access hard-to-reach tumours.

    It is considered minimally invasive surgery, which supports faster patient recovery.

    The da Vinci Xi is often used for training due to it allowing instruments to be exchanged quickly, as well as senior surgeons being able to monitor students' progress.



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