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Scientists: Can’t Park The Car? Blame Your Hormones!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

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    Can’t park the car? Blame your hormones! No, it’s not sexist nonsense. Scientists say you’ll be better at it at different times of the month
    • Have you heard the one about women drivers? No, don’t start guffawing
    • It’s long been proven that women are actually much safer on roads than men.
    • But studies found women’s skills behind the wheel are influenced by hormones

    Have you heard the one about women drivers? No, don’t start guffawing — this isn’t the Seventies, and besides, it’s long been proven that women are actually much safer on roads than men.

    But while they’re certainly more responsible drivers, the latest studies are finding women’s skills behind the wheel are more influenced by hormones than we could ever have guessed.

    While men’s behaviour is guided by steady levels of testosterone — which is held responsible for their tendency to drive faster and take more risks — women are affected by hormones that fluctuate over the month.


    The latest studies are finding women’s skills behind the wheel are more influenced by hormones than we could ever have guessed

    These female hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, don’t just govern reproduction, but also impact the female brain and have a huge effect on all our behaviour — including driving skills.

    Here, Tanith Carey looks at the latest scientific research.


    If you’ve noticed there are some days when you reverse smoothly into a tight spot, and others when it takes 12 different manoeuvres and still isn’t straight, check the calendar.

    You are likely to find such tasks easy when your levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen are lowest — which happens during your period.


    If you’ve noticed there are some days when you reverse smoothly into a tight spot, and others when it takes 12 different manoeuvres and still isn’t straight, check the calendar

    This is because the dip allows your brain to be more keenly tuned to the effects of the male hormone testosterone (which women also have, but in smaller amounts), which has been linked to an increased ability to judge space and distance, according to a study in the journal Behavioural Neuroscience.

    Meanwhile, the most challenging time of the month to park will be when you’re ovulating, because your soaring levels of oestrogen will be dampening down your testosterone.

    But don’t despair. There’s no need to panic when your only options are tight spots and your hormones are not on your side.

    ‘A study by the University of Toronto shows a woman can have better spatial skills by simply making a habit of playing video games that allow her to practise this skill, such as Tetris,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman, hormone expert and author of 28 Days: What Your Cycle Reveals About Your Love Life, Moods And Potential.


    It will come as no surprise to hear that men are more aggressive drivers. According to a wide range of research, it’s supposedly wired into their DNA — a hangover from their old roles as hunters, eager for the chase and the kill.

    They also have around 20 times more testosterone than women.


    When we hit menopause, oestrogen levels decrease, allowing testosterone to exert more of an influence over behaviour, which can make women more assertive — and also more likely to use some colourful language behind the wheel

    However, when we hit menopause, oestrogen levels decrease, allowing testosterone to exert more of an influence over behaviour, which can make women more assertive — and also more likely to use some colourful language behind the wheel.

    Meanwhile, women have more empathy with other drivers, thanks to the soothing and nurturing properties of oestrogen.

    As these hormones drop during the menopause, some women who have spent their lives being the meekest drivers on the road suddenly become more assertive.

    So, if you are a woman in later life who is refusing to brake to let others out, your hormones may be responsible. They may also be to blame for road rage.


    When testosterone starts to fall around day 17 of your cycle, levels of progesterone start to rise to prepare you for your period.

    This hormone helps to relax us, and has been found to slow down reaction time significantly. So it’s likely you’ll be slower off the mark and less co-ordinated when the traffic lights turn green.


    To avoid the angry blaring of car horns, try chewing gum. ‘Numerous studies show that gum-chewing enhances alertness,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman

    To avoid the angry blaring of car horns, try chewing gum.

    ‘Numerous studies show that gum-chewing enhances alertness,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman.

    ‘Another study has revealed that using jaw muscles stimulates a certain area of the brain responsible for spotting movement, so you’ll be faster at noticing cars veering into your lane or debris in the road.’


    If you are pregnant, it may be wise not to leave home without your satnav, according to a study published last year.

    Researchers at Berlin’s Max Planck Institute for Human Development asked two groups of 30 women to navigate a maze after first being shown the way.

    One group were not pregnant and had never had children. The other team were all women due to give birth for the first time the following month.

    The mothers-to-be found it much harder to find their way.


    If you are pregnant, it may be wise not to leave home without your satnav, according to a study published last year

    A brain scan showed the putamen, a part of the brain involved in learning, was found to have shrunk considerably in the pregnant women. This was thanks to soaring levels of oestrogen.

    The findings may also explain why some pregnant women report suffering a type of forgetfulness known as ‘baby brain’. Psychologist Dr Nina Lisofsky, who led the study, said: ‘Pregnant women are exposed to exceptionally high oestrogen levels.

    ‘We found that during pregnancy, it changed a woman’s route-learning performance.

    ‘The change might be due to oestrogen acting on different brain regions.’


    While men are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents, they do overtake women on driving test pass rates.

    A female driver taking the test for the first time at the age of 20 is 15 per cent less likely to pass than a male of the same age, according to the latest government statistics.

    However, if you want to even the odds, pick your timings carefully.


    In the first week after your period, you will get the best combination of rising oestrogen levels, which improve memory and concentration, and testosterone, which gives a go-getting attitude

    In the first week after your period, you will get the best combination of rising oestrogen levels, which improve memory and concentration, and testosterone, which gives a go-getting attitude.

    ‘On these days, rising oestrogen may make you optimistic, hopeful and bold, helping you face the stressful test with confidence,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman.


    In the middle of your cycle, surging levels of oestrogen will make you feel more sociable and as if you want to go out more, according to studies.

    However, if you are heading out, make a note of where you leave your car.

    Tests on ovulating women at Canada’s University of Western Ontario found that, at this time of the month, women find it harder to perform tasks such as picking out shapes — similar to picking out your car in a full car park.

    Researchers believe that higher oestrogen levels affect the left side of the brain, which means that verbal skills are prioritised over spatial skills at this time of the month.


    It is vital that women are most protective of their bodies during pregnancy.

    However, research has found women are at their highest risk of having a car crash in the second trimester.

    In one study, 500,000 mothers were asked about their car accident history before and after they’d given birth.

    The researchers counted each car crash that was serious enough for a woman to need go to an A&E department.


    It is vital that women are most protective of their bodies during pregnancy. However, research has found women are at their highest risk of having a car crash in the second trimester

    Before the women fell pregnant, overall they were in an average of 177 serious crashes a month where they were the driver, according to the study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

    However, by the time the women were four months’ pregnant, it was an average of 252 a month — a 42 per cent rise.

    By the last month of pregnancy, this dropped — possibly because women were driving extra carefully as they were more conscious of their big baby bumps.

    ‘A normal pregnancy is associated with fatigue, nausea, insomnia, anxiety and distraction,’ said researcher Dr Donald Redelmeier. ‘All those changes could contribute to driver error.

    ‘We are not saying that pregnant women shouldn’t drive — and they certainly shouldn’t leave the driving to male partners, who, as mostly young men, have worse crash rates than women, pregnant or not.’


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