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Scientists Move Closer To Developing ‘Game-Changing’ Test To diagnose Parkinson’s

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Good Doctor, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor Golden Member

    Aug 12, 2020
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    The study unveiled novel diagnostic sebum-based biomarkers for Parkinson’s, provides insight into understanding of how the condition develops, and links lipid dysregulation to altered mitochondrial function.

    These promising results published today could lead to a definitive test to diagnose Parkinson’s accurately, speedily and cost effectively. The team is now seeking funding to further develop the test and explore the potential for using the test to ‘stratify’ patients.

    Working with the University of Manchester Innovation Factory, the team has patents filed for their diagnostic techniques and are planning to create a spin-out company to commercialise the new tests. They are also working to use this approach to develop tests for COVID-19 as shown in research last week in EClinical Medicine as well as other conditions and are actively seeking investors interested in supporting the drive to bring this technology to market.


    Professor Perdita Barran, Professor of Mass Spectrometry at The University of Manchester, said: “We believe that our results are an extremely encouraging step towards tests that could be used to help diagnose and monitor Parkinson’s.

    “Not only is the test quick, simple and painless but it should also be extremely cost-effective because it uses existing technology that is already widely available.

    “We are now looking to take our findings forwards to refine the test to improve accuracy even further and to take steps towards making this a test that can be used in the NHS and to develop more precise diagnostics and better treatment for this debilitating condition.”

    Parkinson’s tends to develop gradually and it may be many months, even years, before the symptoms become obvious enough for an individual to visit their GP. A DaTscan is regularly used to help specialists confirm the loss of dopamine-producing cells that cause the development of Parkinson’s. However, similar loss may also occur in some other rarer neurological conditions. With no molecular test for the condition, diagnosis is made by a neurologist based on a combination of symptoms such as tremor, slowness, stiffness and balance issues. However, many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s can overlap with other conditions, especially in the early stages when progression is gradual and symptoms are more subtle.

    In a recent survey of more than 2,000 people with Parkinson’s carried out by Parkinson’s UK, more than a quarter (26%) reported they were misdiagnosed with a different condition before receiving the correct Parkinson’s diagnosis.

    Professor David Dexter, Associate Director of Research at Parkinson’s UK, said: “We are proud to have part-funded this groundbreaking research which marks a significant step towards developing a quick and accurate test that can not only revolutionise the way we diagnose Parkinson’s, but also allow us to monitor how this debilitating condition progresses.

    “Every hour, two more people in the UK are diagnosed with Parkinson’s and a significant portion of these people may well have been misdiagnosed with, and treated for, another condition before receiving their correct diagnosis. This has been compounded in the COVID-19 pandemic where people have been left waiting and have faced months of anxiety to confirm their diagnosis by a health professional. However, with this innovative test, we could see people being diagnosed quickly and accurately enabling them to access vital treatment and support to manage their Parkinson’s symptoms sooner.”

    56-year-old Daxa Kalayci lives in Leicester and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in September 2019. She was misdiagnosed several times over four years before finally finding out she had the condition.

    “I was misdiagnosed with anxiety, stress-related tremors and told that my problems stemmed from going through the menopause. I embarked on a 4-month cruise across the globe not knowing I had Parkinson’s. Just two weeks into the trip, my symptoms worsened and my dream holiday turned into a nightmare. Without confirmation that it was Parkinson’s, which I had suspected for a long time, I was left with unpleasant side-effects caused by different medications prescribed to manage my symptoms.

    “Despite my diagnosis eventually being confirmed by a DaTscan, a quick and simple diagnostic test for Parkinson’s would have given me the chance to start my treatment earlier and enjoy life a lot more. But instead, I lost so many years not being able to pursue a career as a paramedic or go back to Nursing.

    “This test could be a game-changer for people living with Parkinson’s and searching for answers like I was. I am so happy with this news because it will mean that in future people won’t have to experience the anxiety of multiple appointments, long waiting times and sleepless nights. The sooner this test is available, the better. Anything that can help people looking for a diagnosis is a bonus.”


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