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Should You Take A Stool Softener Or A Laxative If You Can't Poop?

Discussion in 'Gastroenterology' started by dr.omarislam, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

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    There's nothing worse than that bloated, tight feeling in your gutwhen you just can't poop. And when you're struggling to relieve yourself, you'll pretty much try anything to get your system running smoothly again.

    So chances are, you've considered a laxative to speed things up. But what's the difference between a stimulant laxative, and a stool softener, which is also marketed to help you go? What's really the best fix for constipation?

    Using a stimulant laxative or a stool softener every once in a while isn't a big deal, as long as you're not depending on them regularly. But which one should you choose to cure your constipation when it does hit?

    The right choice depends on whether you’re having a one-time or chronic problem, says gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz, MD. If pooping isn’t generally an issue for you and you just need some help for the moment, a stimulant laxative like bisacodyl (Dulcolax) or senna (Sennokot) will do. These work by speeding up and strengthening your colon’s contractions, which aids in pushing your waste out.

    You don’t want to use these too often, though, or they could lose their effectiveness. That can create a laxative dependence, leading you to need higher and higher doses in order to poop.

    herbal home remedies for constipation like aloe, cascara, and Smooth Move tea can have the same effect, says Bulesiewicz.

    Stool softeners like docusate (Colace) work by reducing the hardness of stools, which should make them easier to pass. Problem is, they won’t do much if you’re already constipated, since they take three of four days to kick in, he adds. But they can help treat chronicconstipation.

    If you’re using laxatives more than once a month, Bulsiewicz recommends talking to a doctor about longer-term solutions like stool softeners. Another remedy might be to take fiber supplements, which adds bulk to your stool to help you go, and an osmotic laxative—which draws water into your intestines to help stool pass easier— like polyethylene glycol (Miralax) or milk of magnesia.

    In rare cases, your constipation might not respond to any medication. This could point toward pelvic floor dyssynergia, a condition that stops your anal canal and pelvic muscles from relaxing, says Bulesiewicz. If you have this condition, you may feel like you have to keep pooping even if you already went, or like you didn't fully poop when you did go. Treating this often requires physical therapy.

    How to tell if your #2 is normal:

    How to Tell If Your Poop is Normal

    Instead of relying on meds to help you go, though, work on preventing constipation in the first place. The easiest way to do so? Make sure to consume plenty of water and fiber. Exercise can help too, says Bulsiewicz. “When you move, your colon will move as well.”

    Another trick: Try sitting on the toilet at the same time every day for five minutes. If you can’t poop, just leave. “Having a routine establishes a rhythm that your body can follow,” says Bulsiewicz. “After a few days, your body will amazingly start to recognize what you're trying to accomplish and ramp up to help accommodate your goal.”


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