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Smidt Heart Institute Launches Clinic To Treat Heart Damage In COVID-19 Survivors

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Good Doctor, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor Golden Member

    Aug 12, 2020
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    The Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai has established a specialized cardiac clinic to care for COVID-19 survivors who may be subject to long-term heart damage.

    "This first-of-its-kind program created uniquely for COVID-19 survivors will benefit patients and aid ongoing research," said Eduardo Marbán, MD, PhD, executive director of the Smidt Heart Institute and the Mark S. Siegel Family Foundation Distinguished Professor. "As an institute, we are committed to understanding how COVID-19 is impacting all survivors."

    In addition to the post-COVID-19 heart program, Cedars-Sinai is soon launching other specialized clinics to treat and study the long-term health problems experienced by survivors of COVID-19, including lung damage and cognitive issues. Cedars-Sinai investigators also have initiated more than 80 studies and clinical trials to better understand the impacts and risks of the disease.

    Although not all COVID-19 survivors will experience heart complications or damage, Marbán says there are high-risk groups, as well as telltale symptoms warranting a clinic visit or communication with your medical team.

    High-risk populations include those with preexisting conditions, such as patients who had heart failure or were diagnosed with hypertension before coming down with the virus, and survivors who plan to resume vigorous athletics. Symptoms indicating a potential problem include persistent shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations and an inability to move as easily or as much as before.


    "But, if you are otherwise healthy after your coronavirus diagnosis and recovery, the best thing to do is pay careful attention to your body and monitor for new symptoms or ailments," said Marbán. "If any of these symptoms appear, then it is wise to schedule time with a care provider."

    Individuals experiencing these symptoms should call the Smidt Heart Institute at 310-423-2726 and request an appointment with the new cardiac COVID-19 clinic.

    When it comes to the "why" of COVID-19 affecting the heart, Siddharth Singh, MD, director of the specialized clinic, says there is still a lot to learn about the virus.

    "As of now, we understand the virus can cause an inflammatory response and clotting in small and large blood vessels, ultimately affecting both the heart and cardiovascular system," said Singh. "However, this immune response tends to occur only in the severely ill."

    Until physicians know more about what makes the virus so debilitating for some patients while others don't experience any symptoms, Singh says the most effective weapon against the virus is prevention.

    "I urge everyone to take all necessary precautions," said Singh. "Wear masks, maintain social distancing and use proper hand hygiene."

    Marbán adds that what medical science now knows about the effects of COVID-19 on the heart "gives reason for concern." That is because research from three recent scientific studies conducted outside of Cedars-Sinai point to patients, including athletes and others who didn't experience symptoms, having detectable issues with their hearts after surviving the virus.

    While it is unclear if these issues were new – the patients were not studied before they got COVID-19 – the frequency of abnormal findings seems much greater than it is in the general population.

    These studies, published in the journal JAMA Cardiology, suggest COVID-19, even in young asymptomatic cases, can cause inflammation and increased fibrosis in the heart – both of which are associated with heart failure and sudden death.

    "These studies give us reason to believe the number of COVID-19 survivors who end up with long-lasting heart issues is greater than we ever imagined," said Marbán.

    Marbán also says when discussing the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the heart, it’s key to remember the first human experience with the disease was less than a year ago.

    "As of today, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg," said Marbán. "The more we can study the disease and its lingering effects, the better we will understand its lasting impact on our health."


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