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Stages of Final Exams As Told by Harry Potter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rana El-Rakhawy, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Rana El-Rakhawy

    Rana El-Rakhawy Famous Member Verified Doctor

    Aug 8, 2016
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    It’s that time of year that every student dreads as the semester or quarter comes to an end: finals. If only we didn’t live in the Muggle world and didn’t have to worry about finals – Harry Potter and everyone else at Hogwarts always seemed to be having a good time (except for the whole Voldemort problem). There’s no denying that you still wish your owl came but instead you have to deal with the impending doom of cramming information and suffering through finals week. From pulling an all nighter, attending studying sessions, and wishing you had the perfect spell to help you pass your class, the only light at the end of the tunnel is knowing that it’s finally over.

    Here are the six stages of final exams that all college students can relate to as told by Harry Potter:

    6. Denial


    Finals? Hahahahaha! Please. I’ve still got an entire week left. Do you have any idea what I can accomplish in that short amount of time? Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna’ go paint my nails like little zebras. #chillin’

    5. Anger

    Okay, it’s not like I’m mad about finals or anything, but seriously? A comprehensive test? How unfair is that?! And it’s worth, like, 96 percent of my grade. I’m too mad to study. School is so stupid. No, everything is stupid. LET’S START A REVOLUTION!

    4. Procrastination

    I’m just gonna’ go over to Tiffany’s for a quick study session. I always do my best work in groups. Oh, and Jennifer, Michael and Josh will be there too, but we’re definitely gonna’ get stuff done. Definitely…

    3. Cramming


    Okayokayokay. Two hours left until the test. I have four Redbulls in the fridge, and I. can. do. this. No need to panic. No need to panic. NO NEED TO PANIC.
    2. Apathy


    You know what? I don’t even care. 200 question multiple choice? Come at me, bro.

    1. Recovery


    Student down, STUDENT DOWN! The road to post-final recovery may be long and troublesome, but that’s why God invented Netflix and Nutella.


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