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Stories : When a Patient Sees an Enema...

Discussion in 'Hospital' started by Riham, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Riham

    Riham Bronze Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Some patients have shared their Horror stories about Enema: Read more about it here!

    Story of Patient#1: SodomyFluid

    when I was about 9 or 10, we lived in a duplex next to my grandparents. I was a spoiled little brat and grandparents just didn't know how to say no. needless to say, I did whatever the fuck I pleased.

    I decided one day to eat as much cheese as I could get my hands on. after 24 slices of kraft, half a tub of garlic cheese dip, and a quarter wheel of bowls went to defcon 3 and locked up tighter than a virgin asshole.

    3 poopless days later my parents decided it was time for an enema. To this day I'm not sure why they jumped right to enema, bypassing all the less embarrassing options, but they were dead set on squirting some poopjuice all over my chocolate highway.

    So, in my parents bedroom, on their happened. They laid down a towel and I got on all fours on the bed as my mom applied the lube from the enema kit to the comfortstick (I believe it was actually called that on the packaging). The impending doom I had built up in my mind of how terrible this would be caused great distress. But as per the instructions, I pushed like I was slamming a turtle through a keyhole and the comfortstick went in with no real discomfort.

    Then is happened. The Bowel Loosening Fluid Reservoir released inside me the coldest feeling ever. It chilled my insides and felt like a tsunami of relaxation in my butt. After a few seconds of swishing around, the comfortstick was removed from inside me and I rushed off to the bathroom.

    The next few hours were glorious. I released epic amounts of liquid and shit into that poor toilet bowl. It was a true Bowel vs Bowl deathmatch. After all was said and done, I felt much better.

    The End.

    Story of Patient#2: wyattdonnelly

    I just got back from a vacation cruise and I was in so much pain that I went to the hospital. I thought that my appendix may have burst, but according to the X-ray I just I was severely constipated. They showed me the x-ray, the turd looked as dense as bone. According to the nurse i had "severely compacted stool". I went home that night and tried a enema. The pictorial instruction showed a man in downward facing dog position with a bottle up his 5 hole. The written instructions on the box said to squirt it up there and hold for as long as you could. Let me tell you I couldn't hold out very long. I violently shat all the fluid back out but it didn't dislodge the main log. It did release a little bit of the discomfort though. I switched to a high fiber diet with lots of fluids for the next few days. Two days later when I finally shit it was preceded by the loudest longest fart I have ever released followed by a turd the side of a large toddlers arm. The was much rejoicing. I now make sure I drink more water on vacation.

    TL;DR to bad epic shit stories take time.

    Story of Patient#3: sixfeetunder

    I gave myself one today after following a high protein diet I was properly backed up and shitting a fucking shit conker once a week at best with great effort, all the fibre in the world didn't make a difference.

    So I bought an enema off Amazon and gave it a whirl today. After a couple false starts I watched with some horror as a 2 litre bag of warm water disappeared up my ass. I didn't know what the fuck to do next (no instructions) so I brushed my teeth to pass the time.

    Then I felt like I had uber diarrhea. Not painful, just needed to shit badly. A deluge of little round turds slooshed out with some pure liquified shit, maybe 30 individual turds. Now bear in mind I had been constipated and not 10 minutes before my butthole was doing dry heaves. So I stood up, relieved and happy that I had had such a good 'ouput'. Then another fucking shitstorm hit me - KASPLOOOOSH loads more water and shit came out, couldn't examine it because the solids were clouded by brown liquid chocolate sauce in the bowl. But phew it felt good. Naturally I was feeling a bit grubby and sweaty (the warm water heated me from within) so I hopped in the shower. Then suddenly yet ANOTHER shitstorm, a shit earthquake 10 on the Richter scale was brewing, I jumped out the shower and sat on the can soaking wet and unleashed fecal Hellfire on the toilet as at least another litre of turd water came out with a mighty SPLOOOOSH. A breathless examination revealed several more stools, some huge and nearly black from deep within my bowels. I was ecstatic. Trust me, the way my guts have been lately this was like finding a 50 gold bars in a coin purse. So there I was, stood in my bathroom, brown shitty water trickling down my wet legs, sweating, panting, the bathroom smelling like the bowels of Hell and it was the best day ever.

    Story of Patient#4: admiraljohn

    Back in 2000 I worked for a company that made porn sites, and since I had a mohawk they figured I should be in charge of the bondage/fetish sites. Part of my job was promoting our sites in the dark corners of the internet where our target audience hung out, which turned out to be Yahoo Groups. They talked in detail about all kinds of weird fetishes (the most memorable having something to do with home-made amplifiers, MP3s and balls). There's one post about enemas I still remember, and it went something like this:

    "Hey guys, I'm back. Well, turns out you DO get drunk a lot faster than when you drink alcohol. I had put the hose in, and started filling myself up with Apfelkorn. It didn't feel very good, but I continued anyway. Last thing I remember is seeing that about 1/4th of the bottle is gone. Next thing is that I wake up on the floor in a pool of blood, shit and Apfelkorn. There's broken glass on the floor, and the shards have cut into my arms and chest. I get up and see blood on the sink in front of me. In the mirror I see a huge bump and gash on my forehead. There's shit on the wall, and I feel the worst I have felt in my life.

    Conclusion: don't do an Apfelkorn-enema."

    Story of Patient#5: throwaway19111

    Based on what I remember reading somewhere: Don't put alcohol in it or you're likely to kill yourself if you aren't exceptionally careful with quantity since it's apparently absorbed much faster that way.

    Personally, I don't understand who ever thought that would be a good idea, but it's apparently fairly common and somewhat dangerous.

    I know nothing else about them, so good luck.

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    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016

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