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Study: Men Look At The Mirror More Than Women Do, 23 Times Versus 16

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Mirror, mirror on the wall MEN are the vainest of them all: Guys admire their reflection 23 times a day... while women glance only 16 times

    • Men's lifestyle website Avaj quizzed 1,000 Brits on their grooming habits
    • Guys confessed to looking at their appearance to 'admire' themselves
    • While women focused on body parts they felt self-conscious about

    While women stereotypically get a lot of flack for spending a long time in front of the bathroom mirror, new research has found that men are actually the vainer sex.

    Yorkshire-based lifestyle brand Avaj surveyed 1,000 British people on their grooming habits and found that guys look at their reflection 23 times a day.

    In contrast, women told the luxury male website that they glanced in the mirror 16 times per day.

    Luxury male lifestyle brand Avaj surveyed 1,000 people and found guys look at their reflection 23 times a day

    Male participants revealed they 'mainly' looked at their appearance to admire themselves and the body parts they like the most.

    Conversely, the majority of women surveyed said they looked at their appearance for reassurance that they look OK.

    The female respondents added that they spent in front of the mirror looking at the body parts they are the most self-conscious about.

    On average men spent 10 minutes per day looking at their reflection which amounts to almost six and a half days per year.

    Eleven per cent of male respondents confessed to mirror gazing over 30 times a day.

    Eighty-two per cent of men agreed that maintaining a good personal appearance was a key prerogative.


    The female respondents said they spent in front of the mirror looking at the body parts they are the most self-conscious about

    Dominating the list of body parts men were most happy with was arms (76 per cent), followed by legs (54 per cent), smile (49 per cent), eyes (43 per cent), and hair (38 per cent).

    Speaking about the research findings, Tracey Denison, Managing Director at Avaj, said 'Surprisingly, unlike women, men are more likely to spend time in front of the mirror admiring the parts of themselves they are happy with – suggesting vanity is the real purpose behind the time spent looking at reflections.

    'The trend for even those men who opt for a more rugged look ensuring they are well groomed – investing in beard care kits and the like – further reinforces this idea.'

    Ms Denison blamed the results on the rise in camera phones: 'It's also possible that the selfie trend is partially driving this rise in male vanity, as people become more used to celebrating their appearance.

    'Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to have seeped through to women as much, and they still seem to be the more self-conscious sex.'


    On average men spent 10 minutes per day looking at their reflection which amounts to almost six and a half days per year

    The survey also found that two thirds of men (67 per cent) revealed they had three or more cosmetic products, suggesting that men no longer wish to grow older gracefully.

    A third of men (34 per cent) had confessed to using a female friend or family member's cosmetic products at least once, whilst one in 10 (9 per cent) said they used cosmetic products targeted at women regularly.


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