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Superfit At 70! Meet Our Incredibly Sprightly Bunch Who Are More Active Than Ever Since They Retired

Discussion in 'Physical and Sports Medicine' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jun 26, 2017.

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    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

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    Superfit at 70! Meet our incredibly sprightly bunch who are more active than ever since they retired...and discover why you should be too

    • Experts say exercise can help alleviate conditions for people in their 60s
    • NHS figures show 54 per cent of over-75s exercise less than 30 mins a week
    • The Mail On Sunday meets five people, aged 60+, who are in the best shape of their lives

    It is a time of life often associated with pipes, slippers and putting our feet up after decades of hard graft. But rather than slowing down in the inevitable shuffle to our graves, from our seventh decade onwards we should in fact be ramping life up a gear, say medical experts.

    ‘It’s much more important to be fit and healthy later in life – from our 60s onwards – than in our 20s and 30s,’ explains Sir Muir Gray, author of the anti-ageing how-to ‘Sod 70’ series of books.

    A professor at Oxford University and former Chief of Knowledge for the NHS, Sir Muir has conducted extensive research on how modern lifestyles are wrecking our health. ‘Not only does remaining active reduce the risk of developing a debilitating disease such as arthritis, diabetes or dementia, it helps stave off their progression if we do fall victim,’ he said.


    Lee Janogly, 77, leads eight fitness classes a week - a mixture of ‘stretch and tone’ classes and one-to-one dance-led personal training

    Last month a landmark report published in the British Journal Of Sports Medicine found that no matter what disease a patient suffers from, exercise can help alleviate their condition. Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland drew their conclusions after reviewing 85 studies involving patients with Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

    ‘If physical activity was a drug, it would be classed as a wonder drug,’ said Professor Dame Sue Bailey, of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, in a report to GPs across the UK.

    However, the latest NHS figures show that activity levels among older people are low: a staggering 54 per cent of over-75s achieve fewer than 30 minutes of activity a week. Yet this is the very group who need to be moving the most, says Sir Muir.

    But there’s no reason – even if you’re 90 with a host of ailments and have never been physically active – not to start. He says: ‘It’s never too late to start reaping the benefits. Just talk to your GP about what might be suitable for you.’

    For those who think gyms are simply a place for the Lycra-clad and body-beautiful, take note: chain Nuffield Health claims that over-74s are the most regular visitors to its facilities.

    With this in mind, we spoke to five inspirational OAPs who are in the shape of their lives – despite a few aches and pains. They have forged new careers in their later years and now help others (of all ages) get as fit as they are.

    Here, they reveal how you can transform your health, regardless of whether you’re 19 or 90…



    She said: ‘I don’t do Pilates or yoga – they’re too boring. I like to get on down with funky soul music'

    Lee Janogly, 77, from North London, leads eight fitness classes a week – a mixture of ‘stretch and tone’ classes and one-to-one dance-led personal training.

    The mother of five children, and grandmother of seven, says: ‘Dance and exercise classes were the one thing that kept me sane when my children were growing up in the 1960s. They also helped me shed my baby weight.

    ‘Every day I would drop the kids off at school and hop on the Tube to Covent Garden to go to Arlene Phillips’s dance classes.

    ‘Then one day, in another class, the instructor didn’t show up. Before I could register what I was saying, I’d volunteered myself – and with my heart thumping due to nerves, I found myself at the front, directing dozens of men and women – including the young Twiggy – through a set I thought up on the spot.

    ‘From that day on, I’ve never looked back. After training as an instructor, I opened my own studio and still have die-hard loyal clients who’ve been with me since the start.

    ‘I don’t do Pilates or yoga – they’re too boring. I like to get on down with funky soul music.

    ‘People are always amazed when I say yes, I can do the splits, but it’s not difficult if you’re supple.

    ‘I have no plans to stop my classes or exercising, though I have warned my ladies they must tell me if I start going senile. Keeping fit gives you purpose, keeps you young and ensures balance, posture, stamina and strength are as good as they can be. I really don’t want a fractured hip – I’ve seen the devastation it can cause.

    ‘If you’ve never been to a class before, don’t be put off by the lingo on your first visit. If you choose a beginners’ group, you’ll soon pick up the moves.’




    Retired school inspector Pamela Craven, 71, leads at least seven high-energy fitness classes each week

    Retired school inspector Pamela Craven, 71, lives in Berkshire with her retired husband Alan, 72, and leads at least seven high-energy fitness classes each week at Les Mills health clubs. Pamela, who has one son, says: ‘I truly believe that being fit was what helped me get through chemotherapy after I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in 2014.

    ‘My body was strong, so that when my system was zapped, I could still function. I didn’t suffer with fatigue once and even taught Bodyattack, a high-energy aerobics class with moves inspired by sport and athletics, during my treatment.

    ‘I first became a fitness instructor at 45, alongside being a school inspector. I’d been very active at school but then life got in the way, and I’d done no exercise for about 20 years.

    ‘My job involved visiting schools, and I was always on my feet but never felt like I had much energy. I decided that I needed a hobby, if anything something to do when I retired that would keep me off the sofa. I lost weight and toned up but it wasn’t really the goal.

    ‘I did my first Bodyattack class when I was in my early 60s, after I’d retired. The tutors said to me, “You have to be bloody fit to do this.” I looked at them straight in the eyes and said, “I am bloody fit!”

    ‘It was hard but I like a challenge and it’s got me into the best shape I’ve ever been in. After a while I thought, why don’t I teach this, too?

    ‘It has become harder the older I’ve got and I’ve found it difficult to regain the strength I lost during cancer treatment. It’s the social side of fitness that keeps me going, really. The people in my classes have become my friends.’



    Eddy Diget, 73, has trained in Chinese martial arts for 53 years

    Eddy Diget, 73, from Oxford, has trained in Chinese martial arts for 53 years, weight-trained for 35 years, has been a personal trainer for eight years – and is still teaching for 51 hours a week at DW Fitness in Milton Keynes. He is also a qualified rehabilitation specialist, enabling him to train people with severe medical conditions.

    Eddie, who is married to Jill, 72, an opera singer, says: ‘Will I ever retire? Only when I need a guide dog, a white stick and a Zimmer frame to get into the gym.

    ‘I’d say 70 per cent of my clients are over 60, which is proof it’s the new middle age. My oldest client, Bob, is 82 and has no plans to stop – so nor have I. I know when people see me, they see a grey-haired old man. But having trained in martial arts, I can still look after myself.

    ‘I’m not as fast or strong as I was, but I’ve got no arthritis or aches and pains. I don’t take any supplements, I just eat properly. I suppose I’m fortunate, and have good genes.

    ‘And I’ve never had any injuries. I have always taken the approach of building up slowly rather than jumping in at the deep end.

    ‘I caught the fitness bug when I was ten years old. My sports master challenged my class to swim ten yards underwater at the local swimming baths – and the first person across the line would get sixpence. I won it and I haven’t stopped racing around since.

    ‘I do think being an older personal trainer makes me more approachable. I go up and talk to people, try and make them feel at ease and suggest where they can improve their workout without being patronising. One of my clients complains he has shirts older than most personal trainers in the gym.

    ‘Is there anything I can’t do so well now? Running for the bus leaves me knackered these days, but that’s why I have a car.’


    Martine Howard-Burnett, 61, is a Zumba instructor from Denham, Buckinghamshire, who teaches at least six classes a week. The mother-of-one and grandmother-of-two, married to Michael, 45, a relocation manager, says: ‘I was one of the first people in Britain trained to teach Zumba, at the grand age of 54, although I do have a background in dance and music.

    ‘In the 1970s I was dancer with the Young Generation dance troupe and went on to sing with Guys N Dolls pop group before working in film for a number of years while my daughter, Danielle, was growing up.



    Martine Howard-Burnett, 61, is a Zumba instructor who teaches at least six classes a week

    ‘Before I started Zumba, I suffered a terribly bad back and Sciatica, with pain like electric shocks that shot down my left leg. It was horrible, and I often found it hard to pull myself out of bed.

    ‘Within three months of doing the class, the discomfort was gone. I was a complete convert and decided to study to be a teacher.

    ‘Alongside that, I now also teach stretch classes, and something called FitSteps which is a ballroom dancing-inspired class.

    ‘My students, both young and old, are always saying I don’t act like a pensioner. My husband is 45 (we met in 1994 and got married in 2000) so that helps, but I passionately believe that being fit keeps me young.

    ‘I’m not going to lie, I have noticed my body slowing down. I’m not 20 any more, but I see this as an advantage I have over younger instructors.

    Until you’ve felt it, it’s impossible to understand the pain of a sore hip or knee or back. Now I do, and I can help people in my class overcome these problems.

    ‘You can’t help your skin getting wrinkly and things going south. But you can make yourself feel and look your best through exercise.’



    Geoff Walcott, 64, works as a personal trainer at Virgin Active

    Geoff Walcott is a retired telecoms engineer and has worked as a personal trainer at Virgin Active in Wimbledon for eight years. He has also appeared in their publicity campaigns. Geoff, who has two children with wife Veena, 62, says: ‘Before I retired, sport and fitness was always just for fun – a hobby alongside my full-time job.

    ‘Even so, after joining a running club in my 40s, I managed to travel all over the world competing in sprint races in my spare time.

    ‘In my head, I feel no different to how I did back then.

    ‘But I’m also a realist. You do slow down with age. I still do everything I did 20 years ago, but I know I don’t have unlimited energy and I don’t try to compete with men half my age. It’s about being the best I can be.

    ‘I’ve suffered from Achilles tendonitis – an inflammation of the tendon in the back of the ankle – over the years. When I was young I would just get it seen to by a physio and carry on. But over the past ten years I’ve had to really take it back a notch, as sprinting is hard on the body.

    ‘But, if anything I see this as incentive to stay strong and flexible. I make sure I stretch every day and I can still touch my toes.

    ‘I take Vitamin D and cod liver oil supplements for my bones and joints, but that’s it. Luckily, my wife cooks and we’ve always eaten well.

    ‘Six months after I retired, I was going nuts at home and applied for a part-time job at the local Virgin Active gym where I was a customer.

    ‘Now I’m qualified and doing 40 hours a week.

    ‘I was surprised when they asked me to be in the adverts, and my family think it’s hilarious.

    ‘I like to think I don’t take myself too seriously.’


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