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Surprise Surprise: Largest Review Yet Finds 5G Is Not Linked To Adverse Health Risks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Sometimes, scientists have to do a study that confirms what everyone already knows. Many are truly a "water is wet" type of deal – studies continue to be pumped out that state "no, vaccines do not cause autism". Yet, these studies are necessary to have full confirmation, settling debates that still often arise.


    Continuing in the fashion, two new large-scale reviews have concluded that 5G is totally safe for use around humans, confirming swathes of previous research and hopefully putting the debate to rest once and for all – although let's be honest, it probably won’t.

    “In conclusion, a review of all the studies provided no substantiated evidence that low-level radio waves, like those used by the 5G network, are hazardous to human health.” said Dr Ken Karipidis, Assistant Director of Assessment and Advice at ARPANSA, in a statement.

    The reviews were conducted by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) in collaboration with Swinburne University of Technology, with the first encompassing a huge array of 138 studies that have been conducted into the science of 5G radio waves, and the second reanalyzing 107 studies on their safety. The studies ranged in investigations, with many looking into the cellular effects of 5G and similar frequency radio waves.

    Unsurprisingly, both reviews found that there were no correlations between 5G implementation and adverse health or cellular effects. Those that did show any issues appeared to have fundamental methodological flaws.

    "Studies that did report biological effects were generally not independently replicated and most of the studies reviewed employed low-quality methods of exposure assessment and control," said Dr Karipidis.

    The authors express a desire for long-term studies to continue to monitor them, as all good science should – but to date, there is absolutely no evidence supporting the absurd claims linked to 5G.

    "We recommend that future experimental studies improve their design with particular attention to dosimetry and temperature control and that future epidemiological studies continue to monitor long-term health effects in the population related to wireless telecommunications," he continued.

    It is therefore highly unlikely that 5G is to blame for coronavirus, being tracked by Bill Gates with some vaccine-embedded chip, or any other malicious thing that people want to attribute it to. 5G has been at the forefront of conspiracy theories over the past year, despite no evidence against it. Even big names – including Amir Kahn and Amanda Holden – have continued to perpetuate the theory, adding to the dangerous momentum.

    However, it is reassuring that there is robust science to back up a rollout of new technology, easing the minds of many who had serious concerns and wanted assurance.


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