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The 10 Best Healthcare Themed Halloween Costumes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Halloween is almost here, and if you’re like a lot of people you’re scrambling to come up with a fun, creative idea for a costume.

    Why not go for something that matches your chosen career field? Healthcare themed halloween costumes are a great way to poke a little fun at yourself and use your imagination this coming “All Hallows Eve.” Need ideas? Check out our 10 best healthcare themed Halloween costumes.

    #1 X-Ray Machine

    Get a large square box, cut out holes for your head and arms, and on the outside front of the box, create a “window” and put the words “IN USE” above it.

    You can cut out the window or paint the window space black. If you cut out the window, you will need to cover the area with black poster board. Draw a skeleton in white paint, and there you have your x-ray. To make it even better use glow-in-the-dark paint for the skeleton, so you stand out in dark rooms. Once everything is set and dry, the box is ready to wear. You can add a little more fun by getting a cheap blanket and fashioning it into a hospital gown – just make sure your backside isn’t exposed!

    #2 Operation Game


    Hit a funny bone with this one! You can go all out and purchase a pre-made costume (some are fully functional versions of the game) or make a basic homemade version. Either way, this is a fun costume for everyone, whether they’re in the healthcare field or just want to play doctor.

    If you go the homemade route, buy a pink or body-colored suit, and add velcro patches in the areas of the game pieces. Create velcro game pieces and attach a “tweezer” to your body suit. For added fun, let people try to take the pieces off.

    #3 Website

    This one could be a little controversial, depending on your political leanings. But there are a few ways to spin it. The funniest and probably easiest way is to get a picture of the homepage and have it blown up to fit on a large piece of cardboard. Where the young woman should be, cut out a space for your face. The key is to have a sign that says “error: loading” or a “404” note somewhere on your costume.

    For a little more pro-Obamacare idea, you could dress up as a Care Bear and your belly insignia could be the Obama symbol (rising sun) – you are now ObamaCare Bear.

    #4 Fertility Clinician

    Dress up as a fertility, or IVF, technician. Many people envision fertility clinics as places where patients walk in and doctors use turkey basters to get women pregnant. It’s a bit crass, but for an adult themed Halloween party, you could get some shocks if you walk around in a lab coat with turkey basters sticking out of your pockets. For added fun, fill the basters with fluid (seal the ends obviously) and use them as drink holders – you may even gross out a few people!

    #5 Lab Rat

    This one is a fun play on words and is really very simple. Dress up in scrubs and a lab coat, and buy a rat mask, or get mouse ears and add whiskers to your face. Add a long rat tail to the back of the lab coat to round out your costume. You’re now the official “lab rat.”

    #6 Walking Pharmacy or Pharmacy Pill Bottle

    Find as many empty prescription bottles as you can, drill little holes into them and string them together into a necklace. You can also pin them to your body (make it even better by wearing a pharmacist’s lab coat) and you’re now a walking pharmacy.

    Another idea is to get some brown construction paper or cardboard to create a body-sized cylinder. On the outside, create a label with medicine and patient information, and on the inside just add suspenders. Wear the cardboard and pair it with a large white bottle cap made from a bunch of styrofoam discs you can buy at a craft store. Walk around with candy pills and hand them out.

    #7 Mr. Slim GoodBody


    This is a fun one for those of us that grew up in the 70s or 80s. Mr. GoodBody was a TV show host that taught us about healthy living, eating right, exercise and how scary a flayed human being looks.

    There are body system suits that you can purchase and to round out this great suit, pair it with a curly, brown wig.

    #8 Uterus

    Body parts are fun, but some body parts are too risque for most people. Go with an internal part that is almost perfectly designed for a costume.

    A uterus looks an awful lot like someone standing with their arms out to the side holding round objects.

    Pretty easy right? Get a pink bodysuit, add some details, and get two large balls to hold out at your side. If you want to bring the biology factor up a bit, velcro a little baby doll to your belly area.

    #9 Famous TV Doctors

    This is a fun mix of healthcare and pop culture. Choose your favorite TV doctor and recreate their look. You can go with anyone, from Dr. House (a popular one) to Dr. Who (not so much medical, but still fun).

    #10 Zombified Version of Your Future Self


    Zombies are still all the rage. Why not take your future career and imagine yourself working as a zombie in that field?

    Wear zombie makeup or a zombie mask and combine it with your scrubs and work equipment. Add a few details specific to your career such as x-rays, petri dishes, or a heart. Now you’re the walking dead version of yourself.

    Remember, whatever you choose to dress up as, the most important thing is that you stay safe and have fun.


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