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The 6 Best Pinterest Boards for Med Students

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    You know that glorious moment when you actually have time to do something on the internet other than study or research? No? Okay, well, if you don’t, make time for these boards on Pinterest which not only serve as entertainment and anti-stress, but are also educational!

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    1. Surviving Med School by kayleigh

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    Because the caption is “Brain cupcakes with subdural hematomas.”

    2. Med School Stuff by Jessie Ward

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    Because this was actually really helpful.

    3. Nursing School and Med School by hannah etheridge

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    Because something peds that didn’t make me squirm.

    4. Med School Stuff by Kat*

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    Because this is painfully true and also, OMG INFOGRAPHICS <3

    5. - Med School by Cata Ananias Fellay

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    Because this is more legible than any notes I’ve ever taken.

    6. And just go ahead and follow all the boards from Iau Med-School

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    Because this used to be called “hebra nose”.

    Same goes for Soul Medicine, which is not like, “medicine” per se, but more like what you want to look at when you are #sodone looking at things that remind you you’re in med school.

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    Because we should all just calm down and make “funeral sandwiches” or whatever these are.


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