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The 8 Definitive Signs You Have Succumbed to Med School Senioritis

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Hala, May 7, 2014.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Senioritis. Post-Match aboulia. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the last few months before residency starts and you can’t seem to focus on anything but serially liking selfies on Facebook. Though your body seems to be showing up for rounds every weekday, your brain has already checked out of med school. Here are 8 signs you may be suffering from FYBIGMI:

    1. Your notes have gotten progressively shorter, to the point of becoming incomplete sentences.


    2. Your brown-nosing questions about why it’s important to get the critical view during a chole has been replaced by telling your attending a day-by-day account of your impending trip to Southeast Asia.


    3. You don’t ask for time off anymore.


    While you walked on eggshells 3rd year trying to explain to your chief resident how you’ll regret missing that 50th lap appy due to getting your triennial pap exam, you’ve gotten to the point of saying “Hey, I won’t be coming in Thursday because of my 4:30 p.m. GYN appointment. See you later”.

    4. The third year on your service fumbles with his words and is overcome with diaphoresis upon pimping during rounds, but you’ve perfected the art of “I don’t know” and throwing your hands up throughout the final year of med school.


    5. When your attending/resident sends you home at 1:00 in the afternoon, you don’t beg to stay, just to watch your intern right progress notes for 4 hours, but instead have all your things packed up into your tote before they even have a chance to say “You can leave now.”


    6. You know all of the wine specials in town, especially which ones give you the best happy hour bang for your buck.


    7. You’re not even making an attempt to hide the Candy Crush you’re blatantly playing during conference.


    8. Radiology kept you 10 minutes over lunchtime for an important, career-relevant talk, but you felt so cheated out of those precious life moments that you tweeted, Facebook, and snapchatted a photo of yourself looking annoyed about it.



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