Medical school is no joke, but not everyone seems to act as if that’s true. Just like normal college classes, medical school classes are filled with a variety of people from so many different walks of life you can’t even count. While this makes for fantastic people-watching, it’s also extremely frustrating, especially when that person that never shows up somehow got a higher score than you did on the last test. So whether you’re the straight-A student or constantly on Facebook in class, you’ve met all of these people at least once. So without further ado, here are the eight people you meet in med school. 1. The person that’s always busy. While med school certainly isn’t a breeze, there’s always that one person that seems to think it takes up every second of every day, no joke. While you, like most people, frequently find that your Ti-Vo is backed up, this person doesn’t even have a TV. You never see them except in class and you aren’t sure if they ever eat or go to the bathroom. In fact, they’re even constantly taking notes in class, to the point that they’ve never had an actual conversation as far as you can tell. I mean really, people, take at least thirty seconds to yourself every once in a while. 2. The person that’s never busy. Of course, there’s also the other extreme: the person that somehow never does anything at all. How/if this person is passing, you have no idea. All you know is that they sit in class without writing a single note, you constantly see them out and about on campus, and none of their conversations are ever about med school, but they talk to plenty of people. This person frustrates you, although you aren’t really sure why. I mean, their complete lack of caring doesn’t affect you. But still, for some reason, you find yourself caring, perhaps a little too much. 3. The know-it-all. Every class has one, and you can’t stand them. They’re constantly raising their hand, even if there isn’t a question. And more often than not, they’re the student that corrects the professor at the sign of even the slightest of errors. If you don’t know this person, you are this person, and we as very annoyed people urge you to stop. I mean seriously, just put down your hand, sit in your seat, and pretend not to exist when the professor asks a question just like everyone else. Yeah, we get it, you always know the answer. Sit down. 4. The mooch. On this same page, there’s always the person that doesn’t know a thing and copies off of anybody they possibly can. Almost more annoying than the know-it-all, this person does nothing and gets the credit for turning in other people’s work. And yet somehow, there’s always someone there to help them do so. If this person could just be kicked out, that would be great. 5. The suck-up. Very similar to the know-it-all, the suck-up will be sitting in the front row every class, get there early enough to have a pre-class conversation with the professor and they’ll laugh at every stupid/corny joke the professor even thinks of telling. You wouldn’t be surprised if this person walked into class and set an apple on the professor’s desk. In fact, you half expect it everyday. 6. The absentee. Then, there’s the person that you never see until midterms and finals. You’ll never be able to fathom this, and that’s okay. I’m pretty sure they aren’t passing anyway. And if they are, they’re obviously just a genius and you need to let it go. 7. The genius. Of course, then there’s the actual genius that somehow has an 100 in the class and is completely screwing up the grading curve for you. They aren’t as in your face with their intelligence as some other students in your class, but they’re just as annoying. How they know every answer, you aren’t sure. Maybe they’re a robot. The world may never know. 8. The idiot. And last, but certainly not least, there’s the idiot. You don’t know how they got into med school (you suspect either a fluke or cheating) and you’re pretty sure they’ll never pass. At the very least, you know they should never be a doctor. Like, ever. So next time you’re bored in class or decide to give up completely, take a look at this list and pick out the different characters in your class — you’ll never be bored in class again. Of course, you probably won’t learn anything either, but that’s not the point. Source