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The Biggest Doctors-Patient Environment Based On Blockchain - MedicoHealth

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Medico Health, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Medico Health

    Medico Health Young Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    Practicing medicine in:

    Healthcare industry is constantly growing in value and complexity. But unlike other major industries, IT is yet to fully disrupt healthcare.

    Robert Pearl, M.D. has in his book Mistreated, which is with Malcolm Gladwell’s words “A brilliant and original analysis from one of medicine’s most insightful leaders. The doctor is in.” written the following:

    “The manufacturers of the large electronic health records don't want doctors using comprehensive systems, unless the only application used is theirs. They fear what interoperability between systems would mean for their businesses. If health-record vendors allowed third-party developers to access their application program interface (also known as an API, a set of protocols and tools used in new software development), all your medical information could be combined into a single, comprehensive system … This would be extremely beneficial for patients and physicians. But doing so would make it much easier for doctors and hospitals to switch from one manufacturer to another, therefore reducing what these powerful companies can charge for their software.”

    And here is possible solution: blockchain technology. To avoid medical errors and improve quality outcomes, all the physicians we see should have access to our medical information, provided that information is kept private and secure.

    Blockchain technology can facilitate these requirements. The word "blockchain" combines the two key elements of its technology: A "block" is a record of a transaction or an interaction, secured using cryptography (similar to the code-based encryptions common in medical practice). This block might be the sale of cryptocurrency from one person to another at a given price, as with Bitcoin, or it might be the record of a doctor's office visit. The block is linked to all prior transactions or visits, thus forming a “chain."

    Blockchain data points are protected at the individual patient level with a numeric public key, and/or a more complex privacy key. Therefore, if someone were to hack into an EHR system powered by blockchain technology, they wouldn't be able to ascertain whose data it was or manipulate the information as they can today. Similarly, a physician with access to your medical record couldn't look at another patient's record within the same health system or hospital without his or her permission.

    This sophisticated and intuitive technology could ultimately be used to replace all current EHR systems.

    Introducing MEDICOHEALTH, a blockchain-based project designed to improve a fragmented healthcare system, where we know we can make a significant difference for the better by tackling just one truly important issue.

    An average patient anywhere in the world has very limited options when in need of prompt, affordable and reliable consultation about their condition from a physician or a specialist of their choosing.

    MEDICOHEALTH DAPP allows for fully anonymous, safe and efficient communication with world’s leading physicians.

    Physician credentials, together with license validity information are updated in an immutable decentralised database.

    Patient data is anonymously stored and accessed only by selected physicians for a limited time.

    Payments are fully tokenised and anonymous. Token runs the system and compensates the service provider, platform, underlying protocol and blockchain layer use.


    The application of blockchain technology allows for a truly global and safe physician - patient (and/or physician to physician) interaction that can be integrated in MH or third- party apps.

    Mediochealth Platform allows for a fully anonymous, safe, and efficient communication with world’s leading physicians. Physician credentials, together with license validity information are updated in an immutable decentralized database. Patient data is anonymously stored and accessed only by selected physicians for a limited time.

    Payments are fully tokenized and anonymous. MHP token runs the system and compensates the service provider, platform, underlying protocol, and blockchain layer use.

    Medicohealth will implement strong privacy and security arrangements (data encryption and authentication mechanisms) and clear governance structures for sensitive data processing, which might include EHRs. Patients will be in control of their own data, grant the access to a physician (maintaining the right of not to share), while securing and limiting the period when data can be seen7.

    Protocol stack includes leading technological solutions that are to be adopted to comply with regulation and healthcare specifics.

    MedicoHealth - “Building bridges to better health.”

    Bitcoin Talk:

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