While learning about the COVID-19 vaccines and its effect on getting life back to normal, I came across this short survey: “https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1j2GImYCCyFNoqteRqs5QEtWD1oCOZkGAIS-xu8pqfuFXzw/viewform“ The survey is really interesting as it assess the effect of the development of COVID-19 vaccines and getting vaccinated on doctors and whether this has helped them physically and psychologically or not, it also compare this effect on doctors according to their country and specialty. No one can deny the effect of COVID-19 on the whole world, but it has taken a serious toll on doctors. During the pandemic doctors and healthcare professionals were the 1st defense line against the hidden tiny enemy, many doctors shifted from their original specialty to another to cover for the lack of doctors fighting off corona, they worked extra hours without sleep, they have witnessed patients dying every day, and also they witnessed death of their colleagues, they were separated from their families and children, they were worried also about transmitting infection to their family and friends so even if they are allowed to go home sometimes they prefer to stay at the hospital. Will the vaccine affect their mental wellbeing positively and help them get over the past one and half year? They and their families are now vaccinated; will that ease their worries a bit? Or the trauma and the burnout they have experienced will be hard to be erased. Can a vaccine get their lives back to normal or will they suffer PTSD? It sounds a really interesting survey for these purposes, Obviously the survey has been sent to thousands of doctors from all countries, I added my response and I am eager to know the results of the research.