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The Jarring Pay Gap Between Black And White Doctors

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    It's a well-documented fact that black workers in America earn less than white workers. It's a gap that has been explained by systemic discrimination and differences in education and employment expectations.

    But as far as professionals go, doctors inhabit a somewhat unique space. The path to becoming a doctor in the US is very tightly regulated. Doctors all have to be educated in a similar way, pass the same board exams, and earn the same licenses at the end. They also typically come from similar (well-heeled) backgrounds and are rewarded with high incomes for their years of schooling and service.

    Harvard Medical School associate professor Anupam Jena wanted to find out whether the black-white pay gap would persist among this homogenous group.

    In a new study, published today in the BMJ, he and other researchers from Harvard and the University of Southern California used race and employment data from two nationally representative surveys to find out.

    The picture they paint is alarmingly consistent with overall labor trends: Despite the uniform education levels and credentials among doctors, black physicians still earn significantly less than white physicians. The disparity between female black and white doctors is smaller, but female physicians of both races earned significantly less compared to men, the study found.

    More specifically, the adjusted average annual income between 2010 and 2013 for white male physicians was $253,042 — nearly $65,000 more than what black male physicians earned ($188,230). White female physicians got $163,234 and black female physicians about $10,000 less at $152,784.

    The researchers used two data sets to come to these conclusions: a larger American census that didn't account for physician specialty (which is an important limitation since there are sizable differences in pay among medical specialties) and a smaller doctor survey that did have specialty data (along with information about hours worked, practice setup, and insurance mix). When the researchers compared the findings from the larger census to the smaller but more detailed data set — they found the gap persisted. In other words, the inequality in income couldn't be explained by black and white doctors choosing different specialties or having different practice styles.

    After adjusting the data to account for these factors, they still found that white male doctors more often brought home bigger salaries: 36 percent earned more than $250,000 while just more than a quarter of black male doctors did. Conversely, less than 10 percent of white male doctors earned less than or equal to $100,000, while nearly 15 percent of the black male doctors did.

    "This was interesting," Jena said, "because physicians comprise a relatively homogenous group in terms of pay scale. So a lot of the reasons used to explain [racial pay] differences in the overall labor market shouldn't apply in medicine"

    When it comes to the black-white pay gap, Jena added, "it's clearly the case that medicine has not been spared."

    African Americans make up only 5 percent of the physician labor market

    Thomas LaVeist, chair of the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, said he wasn't entirely surprised by the research findings: "We know racial and gender discrimination has been a feature of American culture forever."

    Part of the problem is that health professions generally do a really bad job at recruiting minority groups, he said. "There's been no increase in the percentage of African-American physicians who graduate from medical school since the 1960s." It's hovered around 5 percent.

    But given the abysmally low supply of black doctors and the pressure throughout the economy to diversify the labor market, he thought black doctors may garner higher incomes as a result. "[The findings] go counter to market forces since supply and demand would suggest black male physicians, who are relatively rare, would have higher salaries."

    Yet that's not what has happened with female doctors either, despite the fact that over that same period, there's been an enormous uptick in the number of women in medical schools. (Women now account for about half of all medical students.) Another recent study found that women in scientific careers earn 31 percent less than their male counterparts in their first year on the job market.

    In LaVeist's view: "People need to know their worth, their value. [We need to do] a better job of educating people across the board — and physicians in particular — to become better educated about what their leverage is, what their value in the marketplace is, and how to negotiate to ensure they get the incomes that they deserve."


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  2. Pavlos Papadopoulos

    Pavlos Papadopoulos Young Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    The first study which doesn't take in consideration doctor's specialtys is completely useless on this matter and shows nothing as more whites may be in better paid specialtys while blacks on other not so well paid.The second one shows a far smaller gap and it doesn't take in consideration a huge factor, doctors in some area may be paid better than another and as black doctors are far less more of them may be in low pay areas.

    Also you mention that black doctors make only 5% of the total like its something bad that SHOULD be changed.WHY???Whats the problem with this?If not more black people don't want to go into medicine why you should push them to do so??It says somewhere that because black doctors are less one should expect them to be paid better.again WHY??Does it matter if you are examined by a black or white doctor???Why should you pay the black guy more??I can't even understand this way of thinking.

    This whole argument about wage gaps on the medical field and on every field is made by people who just want to find problems where there is non so they can pretend the social justice warriors.Clever people talk to say something, stupid people say something just to talk.

  3. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    You have a good point of argument in the case of specialty's variable salaries. But then the research compared physicians according to their specialities and yet, Black doctors were paid less than white doctors, with a significant difference (p value <0.001).
    And about black doctors whom are working in areas that pay less in the US, don't you think that those areas have white doctors work there as well? Since black doctors make up only 5% of physicians working in the US, it makes sense that even if Black doctors are paid less because of their working areas, white doctors should be paid the same amount in that same working area. I disagree with you on this.
    I think the sole purpose of those researches and this article is to point out that there is a difference on how doctors are paid. Doctors should be paid equally inspite of their race or gender.

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