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The people you meet in hospital: the patient who reminds you of you

Discussion in 'Hospital' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Patients are the best teachers in clinical rotations. They generally know more about thier condition than you do (and will tell you all about it), they highlight the importance of empathy, and they treat you as an equal rather than as just another annoying med student.

    But once in a while, you’ll stumble across a patient you have far too much in common with. A similar history, a similar background, and as overly-philosophical as it may seem, they represent a choice—you can follow their example, or you can reflect upon your current habits and where you want to be in twenty, thirty, forty years time.

    For me, that patient came today. We both come from families where alcoholism is prominent and relationships are strained at best, abusive at their worst. I can see myself following that path. I already have the mindset, and my initial response to emotion in general is I could really use a drink right now.

    This patient is a learning experience beyond all others—this patient might just save your life.



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