The Smiley Dictionary - basic smiley - midget smiley ,-) - winking happy smiley (-: - left hand smiley -) - smiley big face -( - very unhappy smiley ,-} - wry and winking smiley 8-O - Omigod '-) - winking smiley :-# - my lips are scaled - kiss - skeptical smiley :-> - sarcastic smiley :-@ - screaming smiley :-d - said with a smile :-V - shouting smiley :-X - a big wet kiss - undecided smiley :-] - smiley blockhead ;-( - crying smiley >;-> - a very lewd remark was just made ;^) - smirking smiley %-) - smiley after staring at a screen for 15 hours straight ):-( - nordic smiley 3:] - Lucy my pet dog smiley :-& - tongue tied 8 - little girl smiley 8< - big girl smiley - talkaktive smiley :-6 - smiley after eating something spicy + - priest smiley - angel smiley :-< - walrus smiley :-? - smiley smokes a pipe :-E - bucktoothed vampire :-Q - smoking smiley :-}X - bow tie-wearing smiley :-[ - vampire smiley :-a - smiley touching her tongue to her nose :-{ - mustache :-{} - smiley wears lipstick :^) - smiley with a personality <:-l - dunce smiley :=) - orangutan smiley >:-> - devilish smiley >:-l - klingon smiley @ - smiley wearing a turban @:-} - smiley just back from the hairdresser C= - chef smiley X - little kid with a propeller beanie [ - smiley wearing a walkman [:] - robot smiley { - smiley wears a toupee l^o - hepcat smiley }:^#) - pointy nosed smiley -( - the saddest smiley :-(=) - bucktooth smiley O-) - message from cyclops :-3 - handlebar mustache smiley : = - beaver smiley :-" - whistling smiley P-( - pirate smiley ?-( - black eye d - baseball smiley :8) - pigish smiley :-7 - smirking smiley ) - impish smiley :/\) - extremely bignosed smiley 8-) - Mickey Mouse ([( - Robocop :-(*) - that comment made me sick &-l - that made me cry :-e - disappointed smiley - sad-turtle smiley :,( - crying smiley - boo hoo - Nyahhhh! :-S - what you say makes no sense :-[ - un-smiley blockhead :-C - real unhappy smiley :-r - smiley raspberry :-t - pouting smiley :-W - speak with forked tongue X-( - you are brain dead l-O - smiley is yawning l:-O - flattop loudmouth smiley $-) - yuppie smiley :-! - foot in mouth :----} - you lie like pinnochio O-) - smiley after smoking a banana = - smiley is a punk =:-( - real punks never smile 3:[ - pit bull smiley 8< - smiley is a wizard :#) - drunk smiley 8-# - dead smiley - smiley wears glasses - smiley with big eyes...perhaps wearing contact lenses... |-( - smiley lost his contact lenses H-) - cross-eyed smiley ]-I - smiley wearing sunglasses (cool...therefore no smile, only a smirk) V^J - smiley with glasses, seen from the left side (portrait, talking) +-( - smiley, shot between the eyes ~ - smiley, thinking and steaming or: having only one single hair `' - cat's eyes in the night L-P - totally scrambled smiley (thats why L-P Mud exists... BI - a frog O | - Big Smiley Is Watching You