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The tiny baby saved by a sandwich bag: Incredible survival of 1lb girl who was born 3 months early

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hala, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Hala

    Hala Golden Member Verified Doctor

    Oct 17, 2013
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    A premature baby born weighing just 1lb has defied the odds to reach her first birthday - despite being so small she had to be kept alive in a sandwich bag.

    Miracle baby Lucia Sansbury weighed less than half a bag of sugar when she was born more than three months early.

    She also needed emergency treatment to repair her bowel and laser surgery to save her eyesight.

    She was so small that medics had to improvise by placing her in clear plastic sandwich bag to keep her warm.
    One year on, little Lucia celebrated the first birthday that her parents Emma and Steve Sansbury feared she would never see on February 19.

    The couple from Redruth, Cornwall, endured five failed IVF treatments and two miscarriages before Lucia arrived 13 weeks early.

    She was delivered at the Royal Cornwall Hospital under the supervision of renowned consultant Aylur Rajasri.

    Mrs Sansbury, 39, said: ‘We all knew she would be small but I don't think anyone expected her to be quite that small.

    ‘Staff at Plymouth said she was the size of a 22-week gestation baby.’

    The careers adviser added: 'I had to have an emergency caesarean. She would not have survived a normal birth. They kept her inside me as long as possible because every day helps.

    'When she was born they basically said it was a 50/50 because she was so small. They needed to get a line into her to deliver the medicine and if that failed she would die.

    'They wanted to see how she reacted when they got her out to see if she was a fighter and if she was they would do everything they could.

    'She cried the moment she delivered, then she wriggled. It was only the tiniest little cry but she was making an incredible effort - we knew then and there she really was a fighter.'

    Doctors have realised Lucia was small for her age because her mother's placenta was not functioning properly.

    Lucia, who now weighs 14lbs, spent the first eight weeks of her life battling for survival at Derriford Hospital, in Plymouth, before being transferred to St Michael's Hospital, in Bristol.

    In total, she spent six months in hospital before being well enough to go home.

    She had to have a damaged section of her bowel removed and a temporary colostomy bag fitted while her bowel matured.

    She also underwent laser surgery on her eyes.

    Mr and Mrs Sansbury celebrated Lucia's first birthday last week with a party for family and friends.

    The family also asked people to donate money to the Cots for Tots appeal, which buys specialist incubators, and to Derriford Hospital.

    It may be years before they know if Lucia is suffering from any long-term problems.

    Mrs Sansbury said: ‘Lucia's lungs are really good but we won't know if there are any other problems for possibly years.

    ‘Lucia is lovely and when your baby has had to fight just to survive, you are just glad you have them regardless of what problems may come.’

    Mr Rajasri, a consultant in maternal and foetal medicine who specialises in high-risk pregnancies, said: ‘They were an incredible family to work with and they were very brave.

    ‘I call Lucia my miracle baby. Their story really shows the difference we can make.’

    Mrs Sansbury added: 'We are just so grateful to all the medical staff who helped us. They were just so brilliant.

    'There is no doubt Lucia would not have survived the pregnancy without what consultant Raji did.

    'We had been trying for a baby for three years and this was out sixth IVF attempt.

    'IVF is a rollercoaster and I certainly wouldn't want to go through it all again. But when I look at Lucia I see it that it was all worthwhile.

    'She's feisty and brave - a real little fighter. I'm so proud of her. Babies can be incredibly resilient things.'


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