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The world’s first surviving septuplets turn 19

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    In 1997, the life of the McCaughey family was incredibly changed. Bobbie McCaughey gave birth to seven children — four boys and three girls. News about this miracle spread all over the world because McCaughey’s babies were the first ever surviving septuplets.

    Kenny, Kelsey, Natalie, Brandon, Alexis, Nathan and Joel were called the ’Seven From Heaven.’ The upbringing of the septuplets was a great achievement for Bobbie and her husband Kenny, and everyone who has children can understand why. But despite all the difficulties, these kids were surrounded by tender love and care.

    This year the famous McCaughey children celebrated their 19th birthday! They turned into amazing young people who already know what they want to be when they grow up.

    Back in 1997 Bobbie and Kenny wanted to have a second child so they turned for help to the IVF Center. After learning that Bobbie was pregnant with seven children following fertility treatment, the couple declined selective reduction to reduce the number of infants. The doctors tried to dissuade them, but the devoutly religious parents stayed true to their decision.


    The children were born really tiny, the weight of the smallest kid was 2 lbs 8 oz (1,13 kilos) and the biggest kid was 3 lbs 4 oz (1,5 kilos). The doctors did what they could for the "Seven From Heaven," and the children survived and grew up healthy. Alexis and Nathan were born with forms of cerebral palsy, but both of them underwent surgery and now they are doing well. Today they are healthy and in school.


    Everybody understood the difficult and unusual situation of the McCaughey family, so many people and charity foundations helped them. The family got a new big house, and the kids had free meals at school and still went on vacations. Nevertheless, Kenny has worked hard, and the children were taught the importance of achieving things on their own.

    The older daughter, Mikayla, who was born a year earlier than her siblings, helped her mom to take care for the kids.


    In the second row from left to right is Brandon, Alexis, Joel, and Nathan. In the first row from right to left is Kenny Sr., Kenny Jr., Kelsey, Natalie, and their mom Bobbie. The children are doing well now, and they have already decided what they want to pursue. Brandon will be going to the Army after high school; Alexis wants to be an educator; Natalie wants to be an elementary school teacher; Kenny Jr. hopes for a career in construction; Nathan and Joel are going to become programmers, and Kelsey sings in the Iowa choir and wants to become a professional singer.


    These children are not just siblings, they are really good friends. Here is a picture of Natalie, Alexis and Kelsey on Mikayla’s wedding day.

    The septuplets will soon graduate from school and leave the nest. ’When they all will leave, it’s gonna be really drastic,’ Bobbie admits. ’Indeed, the house that was never quiet will become empty at once.’



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