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Top 10 Fears That Hold Doctors Back

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Hadeel Abdelkariem, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Hadeel Abdelkariem

    Hadeel Abdelkariem Golden Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    What prevents us from being the doctors we always imagined? We enter medicine as inspired, intelligent, compassionate humanitarians. Soon we’re cynical and exhausted. How did all these totally amazing and high-functioning people get screwed up so fast? Attention: medical students and doctors: It’s not your fault. Here’s why you are suffering and what you can do about it.


    With decades of experience helping people break trauma bonds, overcome destructive thinking patterns, and reach and transcend their personal goals, Sydney Ashland now helps physicians boost self-confidence & break free of fear-driven medicine. Here’s a brief summary of her best advice for physicians (and all health professionals).

    Top 10 fears that hold doctors back: 1. Low self-confidence 2. Financial concerns 3. PTSD/guilt 4. Family responsibility 5. Anxiety and depression 6. Health issues 7. Addiction 8. Isolation 9. Lack of direction, passion, purpose 10. Abuse cycles. (Listen to podcast for complete analysis)

    So how do we overcome our fears as physicians? How do we build our self-confidence?

    Top 5 warning signs you lack self-confidence (and how to get it back)

    1) Confusion—fear of not knowing. What if I don’t know what’s wrong with the patient? What if I’m not smart enough to figure it out? Fear of not knowing is often rooted in traumatic med school or residency training. If you’ve managed to get through training without self-doubt, it can develop in toxic/dysfunctional work environments. ANTIDOTE: CLARITY.

    2) Perfectionism—Fear of mistakes. Perfectionism is a major issue for many physicians and health care professionals. We take our jobs very seriously and know that getting it wrong can have far-reaching devastating results. Wanting to get it right at our own expense leads to obsessing, overworking, lack of balance. These behaviors deplete our self-confidence. ANTIDOTE: ACCEPT YOUR HUMANITY.

    3) Trauma/PTSD. Working in the field of medicine often triggers old trauma and PTSD. Acknowledging and healing our trauma has to happen in order to build self-confidence. ANTIDOTE: CHOOSE OPPORTUNITIES TO HEAL YOURSELF.

    4) Destructive beliefs. Choosing stress as a belief and lifestyle has devastating consequences. “I have chosen a stress-filled profession and therefore I will live a stress-filled life,” is distorted, destructive thinking. Fueling the stress in our lives only erodes our self-confidence. What we focus on grows. ANTIDOTE: IDENTIFY YOUR POSITIVE BELIEF SYSTEM.

    5) Losing your sense of purpose. There was a time when you entered medicine inspired by a vision or passion. You had a dream. You had a sense of purpose. Now, these many months and years later, you are lost. Jaded by all you have been through, you no longer easily connect with what you are here to do and have begun to doubt yourself. ANTIDOTE: CONNECT WITH YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR DREAM, YOUR REASON FOR BEING HERE.

    YOUR PATIENTS NEED 1) To Be Seen, 2) To Be Heard, 3) To Feel Safe, 4) To Feel Connected.


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