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Top 10 Foods High in Selenium

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by Egyptian Doctor, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Selenium is a trace mineral that works in conjunction with vitamin E to help prevent oxidative damage in the body.

    Selenium also helps iodine regulate metabolism and selenium helps recycle vitamin C in the body improving overall cellular protection.

    Selenium works as as powerful anti-oxidant and is required for your body to create glutathione your bodies master antioxidant.

    For this reason, consuming foods high in selenium can support detoxification and take stress off the organs like the liver and thyroid.

    Selenium deficiency symptoms include:

    • Thyroid dysfunction
    • Weakened immune system
    • Infertility in men and women
    • Depression
    • heart disease
    • Increased risk of cancer
    A selenium deficiency is generally seen in areas where the soil does not contain much selenium, such as certain regions of China. A deficiency may lead to pain and muscle weakness. The RDA for selenium is 55 mcg/day and the Daily Value is 70 mcg.

    Top 10 Foods High in Selenium

    1) Brazil nuts1 oz (6-8 nuts): 544 mcg (over 100% DV)

    2) Yellowfin tuna3 oz: 92 mcg (over 100% DV)

    3) Halibut, cooked3 oz: 47mcg (67% DV)

    4) Sardines, canned3 oz: 45mcg (64% DV)

    5) Grass-fed beef3 oz: 33 mcg (47% DV)

    6) Turkey, boneless3 oz: 31 mcg (44% DV)

    7) Beef liver3 oz: 28 mcg (40% DV)

    8) Chicken3 oz: 22 mcg (31% DV)

    9) Egg1 large, 15 mcg (21% DV)

    10) Spinach1 cup: 11 mcg (16% DV)

    Consume 2-3 of these selenium food sources daily to improve detoxification, immunity and thyroid function.

    Top Health Benefits of Selenium

    Thyroid HealthSelenium plays a role in maintaining thyroid health since it works together with iodine. Selenium is needed to produce a critical thyroid hormone called T3, which regulates metabolism.

    Cancer prevention

    There is a strong correlation between levels of selenium in the blood and a reduced risk of several types of cancer. Selenium may help with DNA repair or may prevent cancer cells from replicating.

    Since selenium is a powerful antioxidant, foods high in selenium may also prevent cancer by reducing free radicals in the body. The benefit of cancer prevention is seen from eating selenium rich foods, not taking a selenium supplement.

    Heart Health

    Selenium rich foods prevent oxidative damage to the body’s cells reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. People with low levels of serum selenium have been shown to be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This effect has been seen for people with diets high in selenium, not for those who take selenium supplements.


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