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Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

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    Motivational Speaker on How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism for Mental Health & Wellness

    In January 2015 I was diagnosed with clinical depression and it put me in a momentary state of shock. And yet the silver lining was that I was finally being given a name to a challenge I’d been dealing with for over 20 years. Since then I have dedicated my work and life to improving my mental health and wellness while continuing to share my creative coping strategies for staying productive and positive through my motivational talks and my blog. I had discovered that movies were a powerful tool to help me manage depression symptoms. They also saved my life numerous times during the darkest periods when I wanted to end it all.

    During the years I was dealing with this undiagnosed mental challenge I had been documenting my experiences on my Movies that Motivate blog and currently have over 900 posts with film tips to help others increase resilience and, what I fondly call, indestructible optimism. Here are my top 10 movies that have inspired and empowered me at work and in life.

    If you or someone you know is dealing with depression please share these movie recommendations. Depression is about withdrawal and movie heroes can help individuals feel like they are not alone. These movie heroes can remind them of their inner strengths and potential to persevere!

    A Beautiful Mind (2001)

    This Oscar winning film is based on the true story of Dr. John Nash (Russell Crowe) and his perseverance and resilience through years of mental illness. His will to continue to live and teach others despite his mental challenge is inspiring. Equally important is the unconditional love and support from his wife Alicia Nash (Jennifer Connelly). Together their story is a reminder of how important caring, supportive relationships are during difficult times.

    The Artist (2011)

    This is another Oscar winning film that is surprisingly entertaining and uplifting even though it’s a silent, black and white movie. It’s a story of actor George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) dealing with unexpected career crisis and suicidal depression and it will remind you that there are always solutions even if you cannot see it in the present. It is also a reminder that love, support and friendship are there as long as you are open to receiving it.

    Groundhog Day (1993)

    This romantic comedy is brimming with life lessons and is a massive metaphor for the feeling of being caught in an endless loop like living with depression. The movie hero Phil Connors (Bill Murray) discovers and demonstrates multiple coping solutions after identifying the silver lining of his personal hell of living the same day over and over again. His journey will fill you with unlimited hope and laughter to keep moving forward no matter what.

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

    This third chapter in the Harry Potter film series was always my favourite and became even more meaningful when I discovered that its author, J.K. Rowling, suffered clinical depression while writing the first book. She also created the film’s dark characters, the Dementors, as a representation of what depression felt like to her. As she said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, "It’s that cold absence of feeling – that really hollowed-out feeling. That’s what the Dementors are.". This movie also shares a powerful message, through the metaphor of a magic spell, to always focus on positive, happy thoughts and memories instead of the darkness that can overwhelm us.

    Inside Out (2015)

    I believe this Disney Pixar film is the greatest all-ages movie about depression. There is a moment that clearly illustrates my experience with clinical depression when 11 year old Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) is introducing herself to her new classroom and is suddenly disconnected from all her emotions. This powerful scene shows that depression isn’t a feeling of sadness but of being void of all feelings. This film is a fantastic tool to help create dialogue for those needing help both young and old.

    It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

    This Christmas classic is actually a prime example of the learning and benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Dr. Stanton Peele wrote about this in his recommended article for Psychology Today. CBT is a highly recommended program for helping manage depression and anxiety and is basically about training the mind to control and transform the ruminating of negative, distorted thoughts. This is clearly demonstrated by the angel Clarence Odbody (Henry Travers) when he helps George Bailey (James Stewart) refocus his thoughts from suicide and hopelessness to the positive evidence he has had on all his friends and family. The scene where George is praying for help is also a powerful reminder to let go of trying to solve a problem by yourself and opening up to external solutions and a higher power.

    Life of Pi (2012)

    This Oscar winning movie is a visually stunning adventure with a young movie hero that inspires perseverance, resilience and indestructible optimism. You will see how 16 year old Pi (Suraj Sharma) copes with extreme adversity and how he survives being lost at sea with a Bengal tiger. His spiritual beliefs and willingness to surrender to a higher power is a powerful reminder for those dealing with depression and are seeking guidance in dark times.

    Peaceful Warrior (2006)

    This highly inspiring film is overflowing with life lessons shared by the enigmatic gas station attended named Socrates (Nick Nolte). He teaches methods and new perspectives to gymnast Dan Millman (Scott Mechlowicz) dreaming of being in the Olympics. These techniques are designed to rewire his thinking and focus in order to achieve his goals and to overcome unexpected depression. This is another great, cinematic example of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in action that can be applied to managing depression.

    The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

    This film about a wrongfully accused accountant named Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is an inspiring mirror for effective methods in dealing with depression. It is Andy’s indestructible optimism, attitude and vision of the life he wanted that can be applied to coping with seemingly hopeless, long term situations. His creative solutions and projects he instigates while imprisoned can motivate you on how to be productive during mental health challenges.

    Tomorrowland (2015)

    Despite this film being considered a box-office bomb I am compelled to share it because there is a powerful message that saved me during brief suicidal thoughts I experienced on the day of the film’s release. It is actually the same message of the whole movie on the importance of focusing on positive, uplifting thoughts and ideas over the negative. In the film the young heroine, Casey Newton (Britt Robertson), reminds her dad of this old Indian parable: There are two wolves who are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. The question is: which wolf wins? Answer: The one you feed.


    The day of this posting is actually the anniversary of the release date and day I saw Tomorrowland (May 22, 2015). I didn’t know this when I felt compelled to write this post and it sent shivers up my spine! I just see it as another magical synchronicity much like the many times a perfect movie came to help lift my spirits when I needed it most. And so I hope this list of films comes at a perfect time for you or a loved one, a friend or coworker.


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