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Top 10 Reasons Why Being Doctor Is A Great Profession

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    There is no one on this earth who does not need a doctor. From minor flu to fractures to complicated surgical procedures in some way or the other we need doctors. We don’t even realize how doctors become a part of our lives. Over the years these health experts have worked tirelessly to improve the health standards for humans as well as animals. Just think what it will be if there are no doctors to heal us? Doctors are termed as god’s friends as they deal with real human lives. These god’s friends study for years and then for the rest of their lives use this knowledge for the betterment of living beings. Many doctors have come forward from all over the world as socialists and activists who help to get the health facilities to the poor who cannot afford them otherwise. The field of medicine is at its peak of success due to the endless efforts of these doctors and researchers. Many new drugs and techniques are being developed which add to the compliance and success of the therapy. Due to all this profession has been termed as the noble profession. There is nothing nobler than saving human lives, is there? If you think being a doctor is a monotonous job then here are a few things that you must look at. The following are the top 10 reasons due to which it can be said that make this profession truly a great one.

    10. No recession


    I am sure you all are aware of this term. Economy all over the world was badly shaken by recession. Engineers, architects, accountants, salesmen all were hit by the recession badly. But doctors were luckily safe even during these economical crises. How can you prevent yourself from falling sick? No matter what your situation is seeing a doctor in need is inevitable. Recession saw a huge number of patients some suicide cases while other cardiac and depression cases. Thus you can say recession added to a doctor’s business. The bottom line is once you become a doctor you never run out of business.

    9. Lots of options

    God has made this human body with absolute precision. There are so many organs in the body each with a different function and in sync with others. Each organ and each organ system has a different science related to it and therefore there are so many specialists in his field. When you choose to be a surgeon you will get an endless list of options to choose from- cardiologist, endocrinologist, oncologists, dermatologist, orthopedics etc. You will definitely find your field of interest. If you will to you can choose more than one field.

    8. Family health


    This is one of the added advantages of being a doctor. You don’t have to rely on others for you and your family’s health. Being a health expert yourself you can take care of your family’s health at the earliest. You can detect the signs of any ailment at the very start and take measures to cure it. You are also aware of the various preventive measures against diseases that can add to your family’s health. Also being a doctor offers you various benefits like membership at health centers etc.

    7. Learning


    In order to be a doctor you have to obtain an MBBS degree that is around a 5 to 6 years degree. But the process of learning does not end here. When you become a doctor each day you learn something new. The human body is full of astonishing facts. Each day you come in contact with more people and you learn more about the human body, about diseases, about different trends and drugs etc. So the process of learning goes on as long as you live. You learn new surgical procedures, you get to use new equipments, be a part of different researches etc. Being a doctor is truly an enlightening job.

    6. Respectable


    It goes without saying that doctors are highly respected by others. Since the profession is called a noble profession the doctors genuinely are welcomed wherever they go. First of all people will never get tired of using doctor ahead of your name no matter what the occasion is. Secondly you are always taken as a very bright and intelligent person. Being a doctor gives you a very high social standard which I am sure anyone will enjoy. Your opinions matter and make a difference. You become as someone who is very influential.

    5. Trusted


    Of course a patient trusts his doctor completely. A person goes to his doctor when he is at his weakest. He has the faith that the doctor will get him back to normal again. He trusts the doctor’s advice and does whatever he suggests. A patient undergoes knife solely because he has faith in the doctor. Same is the case with you right? When it’s about your health you only trust your doctor’s advice. Moreover we all have our family doctors whom we entrust ourselves too.

    4. Successful


    The medical profession is one of the highest paid professions in the world today. The American survey says that a neurologist that is a brain surgeon is the highest paid doctor. Also there are many benefits with being a doctor. If you working in a great hospital you get to go on foreign trips, attend various collaborative meetings and be the guest of honor for various functions etc all this truly raise your social status. A doctor gets to enjoy everything in life. From awesome pay checks to appreciation from the society he has it all. A doctor’s life is a perfect example of being successful both economically and socially.

    3. Challenging


    A doctor always faces challenging situations. Be it accident cases or severe burns a doctor is always confronted by testing situations. There are so many challenging things that the doctors have achieved. The prosthetics are a perfect example of that. Prosthetics are artificial limbs that are designed for amputated patients. You might have seen various cases of joined babies where the twins are connected by body parts. Separating them was a great challenge that the doctors achieved. A miracle that became possible is changing a person’s looks by plastic surgery. Another novel feat was heart transplant which have also been done successfully. A doctor’s life is truly very challenging and always interesting.

    2. Arrival of a new life


    This is one of the most magical moments in a person’s life. When a child is born is always termed as a miraculous moment. A doctor is the person who ensures that this miraculous moment remains safe and happy for the child and his mother. All the nine months he suggests precautions to be taken and diet to be followed so that the baby and mother remain healthy. Without a doctor things can go really bad. Situation often gets critical during labor and the doctor tries his best to see that all is smooth in the end. As a doctor you not only witness this miracle but also play a crucial part in making it come true.

    1. Life saving


    This is the most important reason behind calling this a noble profession. So many patients are rushed to the hospital each day in critical conditions. Some are bleeding badly due to accidents or some have just got a heart attack etc. A doctor does all that he can to save the patient. There are so many diseases that are life threatening. A doctor tries to save the patient or at least prolong the life by various treatments. Be it AIDS or cancer the patients today are able to live an extended life due to the efforts put in by the medical staff. No matter in what shape the patient is a doctor is always there to help save his life. A doctor is truly a God’s friend.


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