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Top 20 Instagram Accounts All Healthcare Professionals Should Follow

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ghada Ali youssef, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Ghada Ali youssef

    Ghada Ali youssef Golden Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Social media is one of the largest means of education on the planet. In your career, social media can help you stay on top of current health news, learn how to care for people more efficiently and teach you the role of humor in managing a field laden with stress. Start following these 20 Instagram accounts today, and you will be better prepared for tomorrow’s workday.


    1. @Facmedicine
    Certainly we should start with FacMedicine, the forum where we are now, FacMedicine is a well known forum for all doctors and medical students everywhere with more than 9 million visitors yearly and 1.4 million Facebook Fans.

    2. @CDCGOV
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touches on topics across the health spectrum. Some of the most recent posts include fall statistics, smoking cessation inspiration and associations between health problems and drug use. This account will keep you ready with statistics and prevalence information at your fingertips.

    3. @American_Heart
    The American Heart Association focuses on the importance of heart health for health professionals and the public alike. Simple tips, such as the benefits of getting more sleep or dieting, are included among this account’s posts.

    4. @NIH_NCCIH
    The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health offers advice on managing stress and improving overall health with traditional and alternative medicinal approaches, including the use of herbal supplements, relaxation techniques and more.

    5. @MayoClinic
    The Mayo Clinic provides insight into new medical treatments, diagnosing criteria and social media outreach via Instagram. More importantly, the Mayo Clinic combines photos with real-life health quotes to improve community health as well.

    6. @Nurse_So_Hard
    This account is a great way to relax and laugh after a long shift at work. However, some of the posts may not be suitable for work due to language, so make sure it is not being viewed while at work.

    7. @Medjobbers
    Medjobbers provides insight into finding new jobs in the medical field, and it includes inspirational stories and imagery. Furthermore, it also gives new and experienced medical professionals a way to connect with possible employers.

    8. @NurseLifeRN
    This page follows the similar pattern of humor and providing information, but it is not simply repeating every meme online. Instead, all memes on this page are original, so you can enjoy without seeing the same meme repeated.

    9. @NortheasternNursing
    This account includes inspirational quotes and informative blog articles from the Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences and School of Nursing. Posts include advice on writing essays for medical courses, preparation for exams and sharing information about medical competitions, such as a Haiku Challenge.

    10. @InspiredByNurses
    Sometimes, the most stress-relieving stories of medicine are found in humor, and this Instagram account takes some of the most stressful aspects of caring for others and creates funny, one-of-a-kind ways to look at your career.

    11. @WHO
    The World Health Organization monitors the health of people around the globe, and no medical topic is out of bounds for this account. Also, the organization raises awareness for pollution, vaccinations, rising health costs and violence among men, women and children. Following this account will help you learn more about what it takes to be a medical professional in today’s world.

    12. @AmericanCancerSociety
    The American Cancer Society raises awareness of different cancers in the U.S. and offers a place for health professionals and their patients to learn more about the impact of cancer. Stories of triumph over cancer are a common part of every post, which can be powerful ways to reach out to those in your care.

    13. @CollegeBoard
    The College Board is chosen for its study and planning tips, which are applicable to nursing and medical students throughout the industry. Paired with inspirational quotes, images and videos, this Instagram account is sure to become key in your current and future career aspirations in the medical field.

    14. @ScrubsMag
    This is the Instagram account of Scrubs Magazine. Posts range from raising awareness for public health events, advertisements for uniforms and medical attire and inspirational quotes. Of course, the account also uses humor to highlight the fun side of nursing too.

    15. @Nurse_Superhero
    Becoming a nurse takes years of education, and this account reinforces your desires to become a health professional when you are ready to give up. Rather than admitting defeat, you can read through memes and inspirational stories to help you relight your passion and get through those long exams.

    16. @NursingSchoolProblems
    Speaking of nursing school, being late, studying all night and gathering the courage to learn new skills can be significant challenges. Nursing school problems gives you a place to laugh and connect with others who feel tired and drained after spending hours studying and preparing for tomorrow’s course load.

    17. @TheNursingDaily
    Health professionals often work when others are at home with their families. They do not get nights, weekends or holidays off automatically because someone has to be ready to provide care 24/7. The Nursing Daily teaches new and experienced health professionals to deal with stress positively through memes and to laugh when the ironies of life and caring for others seem too great to ignore.

    18. @IAmProudToBeANurse
    With prejudice and social inequity in the news, the negative tends to be seen often. However, this account can be a major boost to your self-confidence to remember the important role you play in caring for others. Although created for nurses, following this page on Instagram can help any medical professional share their feelings about why they entered the medical field.

    19. @NHCPS
    NHCPS offers continuing education units (CEUs) for medical professionals in addition to encouragement and inspiration. Also, following this account is one way to take find out more about discounted rates and promotional pricing for CEUs when it comes time to renew your certification or licensure.

    20. @AdvMedCert
    We are on Instagram! We are here to inspire you to be a better healthcare professional and simply make you laugh! We also post promo codes and information about completing certification courses often, so you can stay prepared for any sort of emergency in your facility.

    Connect With Other Health Professionals Today.
    There are literally hundreds of social media accounts you can follow to learn more about improving your career and staying current with new technologies and trends in the medical field. Start by following these 20 Instagram accounts today, and be on the lookout for other social media pages you can learn from as well.

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