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Top 7 Scientific Ways To Lose Body Fat Fast Without Any Exercise And Diet

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    It requires time and dedication to lose body fat through conventional diet and exercise. But for some people, giving the extra effort alone is already a challenge to reduce weight. Such problem is common for working men and women, students and parents aiming to get that flat belly because of tight schedules.


    But there are alternative and easy ways to reduce body fat for people unable to commit to a balanced diet and a good exercise routine. Here are the best ways to lose weight without diet or exercise.

    1. Chew slowly

    How fast people finish their meals has a potential effect on weight. Studies show that “fast eaters” have higher risk of gaining weight or becoming obese compared to “slow eaters.” Eating food slowly gives the brain the time to process consumption and make the body feel more full, which researchers found leads to lower food intake.

    2. Drink water regularly

    Drinking water will not require more than an hour of effort or dedication to count your intake. Just take it regularly. Researchers found that drinking water could help people feel full easily, which leads to eating less. A study in adults shows that taking half a liter of water 30 minutes before a meal could reduce hunger and calorie intake.

    One simple step to avoid eating unhealthy food linked to weight gain is by not looking at it. Simply store such products to a place in the pantry that is less visible. Study suggests that daily sight of high-calorie food in the house may increase hunger and cravings. Researchers also suggest keeping healthy food, like fruits, more visible.

    4. Use smaller plates for unhealthy food

    Smaller plates can trick the brain into thinking that a person is eating more despite reduced meals by making portions look larger. For a simple, healthy diet, use larger plates for healthy food and small ones for less healthy, weight-gain-linked food.

    5. Avoid smartphones and other gadgets when eating

    Putting phones away from the table during lunch will not require a minute or two. Research suggests that paying more attention to the food may help an individual consume fewer calories. A review of 24 studies found that people who were commonly distracted while eating took nearly 10 percent more food than those who focused on their meal.

    6. Get enough sleep

    Poor sleep could affect appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Sudden increase of the hormones has been found to contribute to increase of hunger and cravings for unhealthy food.

    7. Use red plates

    Study shows that the use of red-colored plates for unhealthy food could lead to eating less. Researchers suggest that the brain tend to associate red with stop signals and other man-made warnings, telling the body to stop consumption.

    Simple lifestyle changes could have a significant impact on the body. But it is important to take note that the effects may appear if done in the long term.


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