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UCD Medical Students Forced To Resit 'Compromised' Exam As '230 Get A-Grade'

Discussion in 'Medical Students Cafe' started by Dr.Scorpiowoman, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. Dr.Scorpiowoman

    Dr.Scorpiowoman Golden Member

    May 23, 2016
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    University College Dublin and inset, one of the images circulated before the exam

    A second-year class in University College Dublin is being forced to resit an exam after their lecturer said the original test had been "compromised".

    Medical and physiology students in UCD did not receive the results for the module 'Cell-Cell Communication' and were instead told by email that they have to retake the exam in February.

    It has emerged that images of a very similar - yet not identical - exam had been shared among students before the test.

    The University Observer reports that during a meeting between the class representatives and school faculty in January, it was mentioned that 230 students of the approximate 300 that took the module received an A-grade.

    A third-year medicine student who resat the exam for Cell-Cell communication last year told the Observer: "This year, someone in the year below me asked my friend for the notes she had for Cell-Cell and since my friend knew I had the questions and answers from sitting the repeat she asked me for them. I gave them to her to pass on and I told her to encourage them to pass them to everyone in their year and they did."

    The school has a strict policy whereby past papers for multiple choice exams are not released.

    As the exam at Christmas was very similar to the images shared of the previous exam, the results were "rendered invalid." contacted the University and the lecturer a number of times this week for comment

    Meanwhile, the lecturer told the University Observer: "Students taking this module are explicitly informed that the School does not release past MCQ papers."


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