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USMLE CS Cases: Delirium

Discussion in 'USMLE' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Practicing medicine in:

    History :
    HPI: History is given by patient's son. 65 yo M c/o confusion. Patient's son reports his father has
    confusion since last night. Patient is not responding when someone calls him. Patient had
    cholecystectomy 5 days ago with no complications. Patient was discharged 4 days ago. Patient was
    fine 3 days after the surgery, passed stool/gas and urine but suddenly last night he became confused.
    Patient has fever. The surgical site is red and swollen. Patient's daughter reports hyperventilation.
    Patient had one episode of vomiting last night, containing food particles, no blood, no foul smell.
    Patient did not pass urine since last night. There is no cough/chest
    ROS: no travel/trauma/rash. Patient is only taking soup after the surgery. No change in appetite and
    PMH: Patient has diabetes for which he takes insulin, last dose of insulin is not known.
    Medications: statins, insulin.
    PSH/FH/Allergies: none
    S/H: non-smoker, lives alone, retired school teache
    Physical Examination :
    Diagnosis 1 :
    Diagnosis 2 :
    History Findings Physical Exam Findings
    1) Patient has confusion since last night
    2) Recent cholecystectomy 5 days ago.
    3) Fever
    4) Dyspnea
    5) inability to pass urine
    History Findings Physical Exam Findings
    1) Patient has confusion since last night 1) vitals: temperature 99 F
    2) Recent cholecystectomy 5 days ago.
    3) Fever
    4) surgical site is red and swollen
    Diagnosis 3 :
    Diabetic ketoacidosis
    Diagnostic Study/Studies - Labs
    1) Physical examination
    2) CBC with differential
    3) S electrolytes, glucose
    4) Urine analysis, culture/sensitivity

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